Jen, it's that affordability thing for my daughter. Single mother, she teaches public high school and works part time, mostly week ends at a video rental store, she spends as much time as she can with her 3 kids but economics dictate that she cannot home school and feed them too.
No child support as her husband died less than a year ago from a heart attack. She gets a small S.S. check for the kids but believe me, it's small.
Exactly. Affordibilty, ease, or convenience are not bad words to people in those situations. I have nothing but admiration (and sometimes pity) for people in situations like your daughter.
My husband and I both feel very comfortable that either of us could be employed and the other stay home with the kids. If something happened to one of us, the other could find help from our families. Other people aren’t as lucky or have to make different choices for other reasons.
The only people who should feel really guilty about their kids are the ones who choose second homes, European vacations, or weekly spa treatments over their kids’ well being.