The problem with the media’s interpretation of the events in Iraq is that their reports tend to devolve into justifications for their personal political positions which are generally left-winged. A reporter at a bar in Baghdad can select practically any anecdotal circumstance he wants to make a “factual conclusion”. In recent weeks, even liberal observers have acknowledged that the Marines have turned around the situation in Anbar Province where the population has joined them to resist Al-Quaeda. However, if you ask the average American if he has seen evidence of this shift on American television, the answer is no.
Rep. Hunter, it has been made clear the abuse of our Mexican border. However, as a resident of western New York, I would like to ask your opinion on the Canadian border. Amicable trade and transportation between the United States and Canada has been occurring with very few problems for many years; however, recent proposals from the Department of Homeland Security have threatened to complicate and jeopardize that relationship, which is, in my eyes, much closer due to cultural similarities that we share with Canada and not so with Mexico and Latin America. How would you view and treat Canada in a Hunter presidency?
Congressman Hunter,
I hear too many alarming reports suggesting that the limitations of our military Rules of Engagement often risk the safety of our troops, and obstruct their ability to effectively prosecute the war in Iraq. Do you agree with that premise, and, if so, what plans would a Hunter presidency have in place to address this issue?
As an American I am proud of what your son, and all our fighting men and women, are accomplishing over there. They must be fueled at least in part by stateside press.
Thank you for your support of the Fair Tax.
Congressman Hunter.
Welcome to the most powerful site and group on the web.
Glad to have you here.
When George W Bush became President, he vowed a “new tone”.
What will your approach be to your political opponents? The Dems, the MSM, and the Moderates?
Some of us are ready for a harder charge, (to put it mildly).
Thanks, please come back again!
Congressman Hunter, do you believe that the “Road Map” for peace in Israel can be salvaged as the State Department is currently trying to do it?
And should our Government have called for Israeli restraint (as it did) in the recent conflict with Lebanon?
Here are some links to background information.
Rice Calls for Israeli Restraint
US pressure prompts delay of [Israels] offensive (We do not want escalations - White House)
Israel Asks U.S. to Ship Rockets With Wide Blast-State Department seeks to delay supply
U.S. Directs Criticism at Israel
...White House now holds that Israel suffered a strategic defeat in the 2006 Lebanon War
Thanks for your service and welcome to the forum!
Welcome Congressman Hunter
Good luck Sir in the coming elections in 2008
Do you feel that the increased enforcement of immigration laws will work amnd what will you do differently?
Thank you for your response. God bless!
ping to this thread if you’re not already here.