I did slip up on the date and the name. Thanks for the correction. I’m tired, but should have known better. The old VA hospital in Sylmar collapsed. That was the location of the most casualties.
I have read about the New Madrid quake. The area is actually overdue for a major repeat. The people in the region are in for trouble if it happens since they don’t require much in the way of earthquake preparedness in their structures (as I understand it).
Quakes in California are different one from the other. I know what you mean about rumbling. We had one major quake where I could hear the quake coming. One strange aspect of that same quake was that I called the national park where my folks were staying to let them know their house was okay. While on the phone an aftershock passed by the park. It took something like ten to fifteen seconds to arrive at the folks home. That was a strange wait I can tell you.
Thanks for the post.
I lived in Glendale for that one, and remember it well. When I went to work, which was at Burbank Cold Storage, there were 50 gallon drums of frozen OJ and strawberries in all the aisles - and the place stayed pretty much shut down during the aftershock period.
We knew a couple who lived up a hilly street in Sylmar and they had no water for months, the mains were so shattered. They told us about water trucks stationed around the neighborhoods and doing the YMCA shower thing.