Please leave us alone.
If this church is man-made, it will come to naught but if it be of God, you are fighting against God Himself. (paraphrase of Gamaliel)
If they’re not against us, they’re for us. (paraphrase of Jesus Christ our Savior)
Even a stupid fool can appear to be wise if he shuts his trap. (paraphrase from Proverbs)
Let every man be a liar and let God be True. (somewhere in the Bible)
Jesus is my Savior and I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Oh, I just might someday; but it's the Holy Spirit who is the Hound of Heaven!
HE will dog you every waking moment with the question I've been asking...
Sleep tight!
Are you ashamed of the Temple ceremonies??
We have a new website on The Washington Post/Newsweek called On Faith, and we have about 80 panelists from every different religion. The hardest group to find panelists for is Mormons. We have one Mormon, and thats Mike Otterson, who is the spokesperson for the Mormon Church, and we keep saying, get us Mormons, get us Mormons, but nobody wants to do it. The only other problem we have is with Catholic priests. (Chuckles.) We did get some guest voices when we had a question on Mormonism. We wanted Bill Marriott and Harry Reid, and they both turned us down, and then I called Mike and he got them to speak out. But Marriotts PR person told him not to do it, that it would be dangerous for Mormons. Basically what he said was, I love my family, I care about my community you know, all the things that you would want to hear from somebody, and yet there is this real reluctance. I think thats one of the things that lead people to believe that there is a secrecy, when in fact what they finally wrote was lovely and very compelling. |