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Show by Show Line Up for Saturday July 21, 2007 and Sunday July 22, 2007
Network and Cable News Networks
| July 21, 2007
| Network and Cable News
Posted on 07/21/2007 3:37:28 PM PDT by Phsstpok
Preview and Analysis for Weekend of July 21st and 22nd, 2007
Guest lineup for the Sunday TV news shows:
NBC's "Meet the Press"
- Mike McConnell, DNI
- Senator Russ Feingold, D-WI
CBS's "Face the Nation"
- Senator Harry Reid, D-NV
- Senator Olympia Snowe, R-ME
Fox News Sunday
- Fran Townsend, White House Counter Terrorism Advisor
- Senator Kit Bond, R-MO
- Senator Evan Bayh, D-MD
CNN "Late Edition"
- Khurshid Kasuri, Pakistani Foreign Minister
- Fran Townsend, White House Counter Terrorism Advisor
- David Bonior, D-MI
- Representative Artur Davis, D-AL
- Senator Mitch McConnell, R-KY
- Senator Dick Durbin, D-IL
ABC's "This Week"
It's all NIE and Iraq withdrawal this week. The Harry Reid debating society, weenie roast and slumber party quickly became a laughing stock. It was notable for silly posturing by those in favor of defeat and a few gems from those who see the conflict clearly. Bit's and pieces of Senator McCain's speech (as excerpted and analyzed at PowerLine blog under the title A Man Addresses the Boys) have gone a long way to making me remember what I ever saw in him and I still admire him for sticking with his position on Iraq and the WOT against fierce opposition of his former DBM and so called "moderate" allies. And it looks like the tide may have a chance to turn.
This last week was an attempt to stampede the electorate before the surge would have a chance to demonstrate results. Some very encouraging things are happening in Iraq and even the shrillest propaganda by the DBM is beginning to fail in distracting people from the truth. There are to many other sources of information for them to get away with this sort of thing for long. Having failed to preempt the agreed upon September review with General Patraeus they've decided that they have to do two things, change the expectations to unattainable goals and attack and undermine the entire military and General Patraeus in particular. To mangle a phrase, this has the looks of a hail Goebbels moment by the left.
Total aside, is this a seperated at birth situation?
I mean, does this have "Kurt Waldheim" written all over it, or what?
Anyway, on to the shows.
NBC Meet The Press pits the new Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, against uber leftie defeatocrat Russ Feingold. Feingold has been taking huge amounts of heat for "going soft" on the Bush administration. Perhaps he will try the impeachment ploy again to shore up their base? McConnell was a "controversial" pick when appointed earlier this year to replace Negroponte, most notably from "civil liberties" groups. He is turning out to be very low key, so far, and decidedly non-controversial, even drawing praise for scuttling some of the most expensive high tech "technical means" toys that head spooks have come to love so much. Perhaps there is a hidden gotcha waiting to be sprung on Admiral McConnell? Lil' Timmah would surely be inclined to cooperate with his allies in laying such an ambush. After all, it's becoming an NBC speciality. Just think of Hardball's recent love fest with Ann Coulter. The roundtable with Brooks, Woodward and Hayes seems predicated not on accomplishing any specific goal, but on laying groundwork for future action and criticism, specifically on trying to define the terms for possible Cheney and Bush impeachment hearings. These are truly desperate and deranged individuals.
CBS Face The Nation brings us Harry Reid his own self against (wait for it) Olympia Snowe. Really. That's CBS' idea of a debate. The Dhimmicrat leading the charge towards defeat and surrender versus a Republican who agrees with him. Morons. There really is no joy is Mudville, Dingy Harry has struck out... big time! Following the humiliating defeat he suffered this week I'm surprised he would subject himself to potential ridicule. Knowing Ol' Bob I'm sure that certain "agreements and understandings" are in place, starting with Snowe as the "opposition" guest. Truly a sad end to what was once thought to be the "tiffany network," especially for news coverage. The decline and fall of this organization is so bad that their entire history is beginning to be examined closely to see if the current grotesque institution is truly an aberration or if we're just now noticing how they always were. I'm convinced that the latter situation is correct and look forward to Uncle Walter's treason finally being examined clearly and carefully. After all, the man who may be most responsible, albeit indirectly, for the death's of millions and the enslavement or exile of millions more deserve to be properly investigated.
Fox News Sunday offers a platform to a second White House surrogate, Frances Townsend, Assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, who has been the primary spokesperson on the NIE. She will also appear on Wolfie's show. Kit Bond and Evan Bayh weigh in, all talking about the NIE and Iraq. Bond was on the lefts fantasy list of defectors for the retreat because he has been critical of the early post war policies in Iraq. I think that they over interpreted his comments. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Bond were actually acting as a trial ballonist for proposed White House themes as they attempt to frame the debate for the remaining year and a half of Bush's term. I don't think Colin Powell or his man in Baghdad, Paul Bremer, are going to come out looking too good, which is how I think it should be. William Kristol has sounded the clarion call for a Bush rally, much as he did after conservatives won the Harriet Myers fight. The Weekly Standard this week has fired what may be the opening shots in an epic political battle. I'm seeing signs that President Bush is finally ready to take off the gloves and actually fight back. A lot of my opinion will depend on how far Gates goes in placating Shillary in her spat with Undersecretary Eric S. Edelman. Were it up to me I'd turn Dick Cheney loose to carry this battle to the front pages. What's it going to cost him, popularity with the media or the anti-war left? Brit is back on the roundtable so Chris must be back. Frankly I liked the show much better with Brit as host (surprise, surprise) but it precludes him getting too involved in the roundtable (not that he's been doing much the last few months anyway). He has been feisty as host, so perhaps he's got his juices flowing again. The previously mentioned Bill Kristol is also on and his comments may be the most interesting. Juan and Mara continue to swing (and miss) from the left. I rarely mention the "Power Player" segment on this show, but will this week, as the focus is Virgin billionaire Branson. The only thing of interest is that he has been named as an advisor to the "wise elders" who we should all listen to to solve the worlds problems by Nelson Mandela. The five members of "The Elders", in addition to Mandela, of course, are Jimmy Carter, the former US president, Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary-general, Mary Robinson, the former Irish president, Desmond Tutu, the Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town and Mohammed Yunus, the Nobel Laureate and founder of the Green Bank in Bangladesh. I kid you not.
CNN Late Edition continues the theme, with a repeat by Frances Townsend, along with David Bonior and Artur Davis serving as surrogates for Edwards and Obama, respectively. They then segue to this weeks sleepover in the Senate with Mitch McConnell and Dick "they're all Nazis" Durbin. Watch for some nasty rhetoric from Durbin. He seems still to be the designated attack weasel. Coming full circle to the NIE they also have the Pakistan Foreign Minister, Khurshid Kasuri. I find it ominous that they misspelled his name in their listings. Watch for every grievance against the Muslim world to be laid at his feet.
ABC This Week takes pitty on us as they have the week off in favor of British Open golf coverage.
The Saturday shows (already underway as I finish this up) are fairly predictable. The Beltway Boys has been covering the Senate Iraq fight and the 2008 horse race. Fox News Watch is getting more and more cartoonish in their refusal to actually examine the failures of their profession. Discussing if ESPN is fair and balanced, for goodness sake! CNBC's Tim Russert Show and Book Fair has Robert Novak promoting his memoir. It will be interesting to see if anything substantive is allowed to emerge regarding the truth of le affaire Plame. The Journal Editorial Report also examines the NIE and, like CNN, focuses on the issues surrounding Pakistan. Bush has already shown his willingness to break with previous policies and autocratic regimes that we have supported out of "realipolitik." You don't suppose...
When looking back on this period from future perspectives we may see this weeks fight in the Senate as a definitive moment for the war on terror and the Dhimmicrats war against the United States. You can never tell. Regardless, we live in interesting times.
This should be cross posted to my blog at later today. I have finally caught up over their and I hope to keep up to date from now on. In fact I'm going to change the format just a bit when posting this in light of the success of the technique I used to get caught up. This analysis will still be first but then I'm going to try putting all of the show by show posts into one big Post number 1. If I end up falling back to separate posts you'll know that I found an upper limit to the length of FR posts.
This thread exists primarily as a heads up for who is on the weekend talks shows, what they've been invited on to push (based on their recent pronouncements) and the spin (meme) the DBM is likely trying to push based on that information. All of this is prep work for the weekly Sunday Morning Talk Show thread posted by Alas Babylon!. That thread provides a live commentary and analysis of the Sunday talking head shows, with valuable insight and exceptional fact checking. we are the Jedi Council of FreeRepublic, at least in regards to these DBM gabfests. You wanna know what was said and what it meant, as well as where they messed up? Read that thread!
Mark Kilmer has posted his excellent preview of the Sunday shows over at Redstate.COM.
Politico.COM has their Sunday Talk Show Tip Sheet
TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: campaign; iraq; nie; senate
Show by Show Preview
Below are the topics and guests announced for these programs, along with my take on the "memes" that the shows are trying to push. With each guest's name are a series of links that I found in a web search that helped me get a handle on who they are and what their likely positions will be when they are interviewed.
Saturday Shows For July 21, 2007
The Beltway Boys (Mort Kondrake, Fred Barnes)
- Meme:
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable and just agree to surrender now?
- Edwards wife is serious, but Fred's wife is hot!
- Topics:
- What can be expected after Senate recess with they vote on Iraq troop funding bill?
- The political punch of politicians' spouses
- Beltway Boys contact information
- The program airs on FOX News Channel Saturdays at 6 and 11:30 p.m. ET
CNBC's Tim Russert Show (Tim Russert)
- Meme:
- The conservative's days in the power are over, so sayeth us all.
- Do you suppose Russert's perjury in the Libby trial will come up?
- Topics:
- Tim talks to about his new book, "The Prince of Darkness -- 50 Years of Reporting in Washington"
- Guests
- CNBC's Tim Russert Show airs Saturday at 7pm, 10pm & 1am ET
Fox News Watch (Eric Burns)
- Meme:
- Isn't it amazing that there's not one word about the National Reviews Scott Thomas faux news?
- ESPN? ESP F'n N!????? This carnival of inanities has reached it's nadir with this program.
- Topics:
- The media's take on a bad report about Al Qaeda
- Senator and Mrs. Vitter issue their own report about the media
- Is ESPN fair and balanced?
- The program airs on FOX News Channel Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. ET and Sundays at 2:30 a.m. ET
- Fox News Watch contact information
Journal Editorial Report (Paul Gigot) - FNC show page
- Meme:
- And now for a serious look at that NIE thingie
- Creeping instrumentalism, the tao of the liberal
- Topics:
- Opinion Journal web page: Our Friends the Pakistanis
- The problem with Pakistan: What the new national intelligence estimate says about this ally in the war on terror, and the changing al Qaeda threat.
- Fox News Channel web page
- Should the U.S. continue to back the embattled Pakistani president?
- Are Democrats in Congress slowly but surely creating a government-run health care system... all on the taxpayer's dime?
- Guests
- Journal Editorial Report (at Fox News) contact information -
- The program is from The Wall Street Journal and airs on FNC Saturday at 11 p.m. and again Sunday at 6 a.m. ET
NBC Meet The Press (Tim Russert)
- Meme:
- The new NIE is here! The new NIE is here! And guess what? Al Qaeda wants to attack us!
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable and just agree to surrender now?
- Topics:
- In his first television interview the new Director of National Intelligence discusses
- Terrorism & the National Intelligence Estimate.
- What is the state of our intelligence gathering?
- Now that nearly six years have passed since the 9/11 attacks, how safe are we?
- Are we any closer to capturing Osama Bin Laden?
- The surrender now chorus:
- The debate over the Iraq war reached a fever pitch on Capitol Hill with an all-night session and a Democratic proposal to withdraw U.S. troops.
- This Sunday we will be joined in studio by the first Senator to propose a specific withdrawal date
- Roundtable:
- Insights and analysis on the Bush-Cheney administration and the Iraq war
- Guests
- Mike McConnell
- Director of National Intelligence | Bio (Wikipedia)
- Vice Admiral , USN Ret
- NSA: Meet the Next Spy Chief (Newsweek - Jan 4, 2007)
- US facing heightened terror threat (CBS 47, CA - Jul 18, 2007)
- Report: Al Qaeda may use Iraq (CNN International - Jul 18, 2007)
- Al Qaeda's Comeback (CBS News, NY - Jul 18, 2007)
- Intelligence report cites Al Qaeda threat (Los Angeles Times, CA - Jul 17, 2007)
- DNI rolls out joint duty program (, VA - Jun 27, 2007)
- Inquiry of CIA agents is sought (Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX - Jul 21, 2007)
- Spy chief scraps stealth satellite program (MSNBC - Jun 21, 2007)
- Head Spook Kills Off Lame Spy Sat (Wired News - Jun 22, 2007)
- Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat - Wisconsin
- Senate web site | Bio
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee member
- Senate Intelligence Committee member
- Senate Judiciary Committee member
- Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On the July 17th National Intelligence Estimate (Common Dreams (press release), ME - Jul 17, 2007)
- Sen. Feingold calls surge 'one of the worst band-aids I've ever seen' (Raw Story, MA - Jul 10, 2007)
- Iraq debate placing more and more pressure on president (West Central Tribune, MN - Jul 12, 2007)
- US Senate Democrats Plan Around-the-Clock Debate on Iraq (Chosun Ilbo, South Korea - Jul 17, 2007)
- Stewart: Filibuster snoozers feared Sen. Ted 'Freddy Krueger' Stevens (Raw Story, MA - Jul 19, 2007)
- Court kills key parts of Feingold law (The Capital Times, WI - Jun 25, 2007)
- Feingold disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling in ads case (Herald Times Reporter, WI - Jun 26, 2007)
- Don't Count Russ Feingold Out Yet (CBS News, NY - Jul 20, 2007)
- The Question of Impeachment (Daily Kos via, New Zealand - Jul 17, 2007)
- Cracking the Whip, Breaking the Democrats (Pacific Free Press, Canada - Jul 18, 2007)
- Roundtable:
- David Brooks
- Bob Woodward
- Stephen Hayes
- Senior Writer, The Weekly Standard
- Author of "Cheney: The Untold Story of America's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President."
- Cheney speaks (Power Line, MN - Jul 14, 2007)
- American Enigma (Washington Post - Jul 14, 2007)
- Saddam's Terror Training Camps (The Weekly Standard - Jan 16, 2006)
- What would you like to ask this week's guests? (web page for submitting questions for this weeks show)
- Meet the Press mailbox (web page for comments)
CBS Face The Nation (Bob Schieffer)
- Meme:
- The new NIE is here! The new NIE is here! And guess what? Al Qaeda wants to attack us!
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable, like Olympia Snowe, and just agree to surrender now?
- Topics:
- The Iraq War and Terrorism
- Guests
- Senator Harry Reid, Democrat - Nevada
- Senate web site | Bio
- Senate Majority Leader
- Sleeping with Harry Reid (National Review Online, NY - Jul 19, 2007)
- Harry Reid living and dying by Senate rules. (Town Hall, DC - Jul 20, 2007)
- Iraq: Reid's Political Opportunism Is Showing (GOPUSA, TX - Jul 20, 2007)
- Harry Reid Ripped as Rude by Arlen Specter (National Ledger, AZ - Jul 19, 2007)
- 'Slumber party' draws yawns (Washington Times - Jul 19, 2007)
- Up All Night (Slate - Jul 18, 2007)
- Time won't solve anything (Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt - Jul 19, 2007)
- Reid Not Helping Our Troops in Iraq (Wheeling News Register, WV - Jul 19, 2007)
- Next Liberal Target? General David Petraeus (KXMC, ND - Jul 20, 2007)
- Reid Pulls Defense Authorization Bill Off The Floor, Vows To Return To Iraq Redeployment Legislation (Think Progress, DC - Jul 18, 2007)
- A wake up call... If you don't think games are being played, you're naive (Reno Gazette Journal, NV - Jul 20, 2007)
- Senator Reid "Incredibly Disappointed" At State's Decision To Lift Cease And Desist Order On Yucca (All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - Jul 18, 2007)
- Senator Olympia Snowe, Republican - Maine
- Senate web site | Bio
- Senate Select Committee on Intelligence member
- NEMITZ: Collins must be clear on war stance (, ME - Jul 19, 2007)
- Snowe Embraces Troop Withdrawal Bill (Forbes, NY - Jul 11, 2007)
- Snowe now right on Iraq (The Capital Times, WI - Jul 16, 2007)
- Democrats Stage All-Night Debate (TIME - Jul 18, 2007)
- US Senate Debates Plan to Withdraw Troops from Iraq in Marathon Session (Voice of America - Jul 17, 2007)
- Prospects Dim For Kids Health Bill (CBS News, NY - Jul 20, 2007)
- Face The Nation contact information -
Fox News Sunday (Chris Wallace)
- Meme:
- The new NIE is here! The new NIE is here! And guess what? Al Qaeda wants to attack us!
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable and just agree to surrender now?
- Topics:
- This weeks National Intelligence Estimate
- A resurgent Al Qaeda is rebuilding its capacity power in Pakistan
- Al Qaeda intent on striking within the U.S. Nearly six years into the war on terror
- How serious is the new threat and has the effort thus far been successful?
- Well ask one of the presidents top advisers on homeland security and counter-terrorism
- The perspective from Congress - What is the state of the war on terrorism?
- Is the war in Iraq a distraction or the central front in that fight?
- What is the Senates next move on Iraq after spending all day and all night debating a possible troop withdrawal issue this week?
- Military leaders are asking for more time.
- Democrats say their clock has hit midnight.
- A "fair and balanced" debate with two key Senators from the Select Committee on Intelligence
- Fox News Sunday panel
- The 2008 presidential race heats up
- The Clintons and the Edwards getting in a tussle this week
- Rudy Giuliani criticizing President Bush
- Power Player Of The Week:
- He's done very well for himself and is now trying to use his money to help everyone else
- Fox News essay: Coming up on Fox News Sunday
- Guests
- Frances Townsend
- Assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism | Bio (White House)
- White House Press Briefing by White House Homeland Security Advisor Fran Townsend (All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - Jul 18, 2007)
- Osama on the US Payroll? So Says The Stephanie Miller Show (NewsBusters - Jul 20, 2007)
- Homeland security adviser says US faces a 'persistent terrorist enemy' (WIS, SC - Jul 17, 2007)
- Why Do Some Democrats Seem Conflicted Over Fighting Al Qaeda? (FOX News - Jul 17, 2007)
- Homeland, anyone? (, NY - Jul 18, 2007)
- Absurd Terrorism Theories Invade the Homeland (Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - Jul 20, 2007)
- US: Pakistan will attack militants (USA Today - Jul 17, 2007)
- Washington Steps Up Pressure on Islamabad (Voice of America - Jul 18, 2007)
- Senator Kit Bond, Republican - Missouri
- Senate web site | Bio
- Crankytown: Kit Bond (Pitch Weekly, MO - Jul 13, 2007)
- Bond criticizes early US strategy in Iraq (Joplin Globe, MO - Jul 11, 2007)
- Bond Critical of Administration's Post-War Policy in Iraq (, MO - Jul 11, 2007)
- Losing Faith? (Columbia Daily Tribune, MO - Jul 12, 2007)
- All-nighter ties up region's US senators (St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Jul 18, 2007)
- McCaskill, Bond split votes on bill ordering troop withdrawal from Iraq (, MO - Jul 18, 2007)
- Bond, McCaskill vote to block immigration bill (, MO - Jun 28, 2007)
- » Bond, McCaskill slam energy bill «
- Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat - Maryland
- Senate web site | Bio
- Bayh, Lugar split over troop withdrawal deadline (Indianapolis Star - Jul 18, 2007)
- Bayh introduces bill to help soldiers with student loans (New Albany Tribune, IN - Jul 18, 2007)
- Senate OKs longer treatment for wounded (Indianapolis Star - Jul 13, 2007)
- Snowe now right on Iraq (The Capital Times, WI - Jul 16, 2007)
- Iraq war protester says she's not guilty (Gary Post Tribune, IN - Jul 14, 2007)
- Thanks, Sen. Bayh, for 'no' vote on immigration bill (Indianapolis Star - Jun 28, 2007)
- Party lines blur on immigration issue (Indianapolis Star - Jun 28, 2007)
- Earmarks come under increased scrutiny (Gary Post Tribune, IN - Jul 1, 2007)
- Fox News Sunday panel
- Power player this week: Richard Branson
- Fox News Sunday contact information -
CNN Late Edition (Wolf Blitzer)
- Meme:
- The new NIE is here! The new NIE is here! And guess what? Al Qaeda wants to attack us!
- Why can't more republicans be reasonable and just agree to surrender now?
- Senator McConnell, are you now or have you ever been a Republican?
- Honoring our great troops, the man who loves them best, Dick "the turban" Durbin
- The Ken and Brad dolls are busy today, so their friends David and Artur will be filling in
- Topics:
- With al Qaeda gaining strength, whats the next step in the fight against terror? Well ask White House Homeland Security Adviser
- Insight into the campaigns -- from the candidates top aides.
- Guests
- Frances Townsend
- Assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism | Bio (White House)
- White House Press Briefing by White House Homeland Security Advisor Fran Townsend (All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - Jul 18, 2007)
- Osama on the US Payroll? So Says The Stephanie Miller Show (NewsBusters - Jul 20, 2007)
- Homeland security adviser says US faces a 'persistent terrorist enemy' (WIS, SC - Jul 17, 2007)
- Why Do Some Democrats Seem Conflicted Over Fighting Al Qaeda? (FOX News - Jul 17, 2007)
- Homeland, anyone? (, NY - Jul 18, 2007)
- Absurd Terrorism Theories Invade the Homeland (Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - Jul 20, 2007)
- US: Pakistan will attack militants (USA Today - Jul 17, 2007)
- Washington Steps Up Pressure on Islamabad (Voice of America - Jul 18, 2007)
- David Bonior, Democrat - Michigan
- Edwards Campaign Manager
- Former House Majority Whip | Bio (Wikipedia)
- Edwards' poverty tour (MSNBC - Jul 9, 2007)
- Edwards cuts Bonior duties in campaign (WTOL, OH - Jul 5, 2007)
- Edwards Adds Staff, Reshuffles Roles (Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jul 5, 2007)
- Pure Horserace: A Campaign Adrift (CBS News, NY - Jul 10, 2007)
- Edwards Campaign to Hold Series of Policy Forums in NH (Campaigns & Elections (press release) - Jul 17, 2007)
- Edwards stumps against poverty in eight states (small piece in larger National political digest column, Detroit Free Press, United States - Jul 15, 2007)
- Representative Artur Davis, Democrat - Alabama
- House web site | Bio
- Davis To Stump For Obama Saturday (Campaigns & Elections (press release) - Jul 5, 2007)
- Obama raises cash from rich, not-so-rich in Alabama (International Herald Tribune, France - Jul 9, 2007)
- NEWSWEEK Cover: Black & White (PR Newswire (press release), NY - Jul 8, 2007)
- Mr. Siegelman goes to Washington (Birmingham News, AL - Jul 19, 2007)
- Artur Davis Weighs In On Iraq Policy (, AL - Jul 10, 2007)
- Dems Want to Reopen Black Farm Claims (Washington Post - Jun 21, 2007)
- Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican - Kentucky
- Senate web site | Bio
- Senate Minority Leader (CNN got the leadership right this week)
- McConnell Holds the Line (Yahoo! News - Jul 18, 2007)
- Mitch McConnell Walks Difficult Line On Iraq (WCPO, OH - Jul 16, 2007)
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Bloomberg - Jun 28, 2007)
- Democrats' ad targets McConnell (Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - Jul 11, 2007)
- McConnell fund-raising sets record (Cincinnati Enquirer, OH - Jul 13, 2007)
- Democrats Steer All-Night Iraq Debate (Forbes, NY - Jul 17, 2007)
- Ethics groups blame AWOL McConnell (The Hill, DC - Jul 12, 2007)
- Senator Dick "the turban" Durbin, Democrat - Illinois
- Senate web site | Bio
- Assistant Senate Majority Leader
- Senate Vows All-Night Debate On Iraq (CBS News, NY - Jul 17, 2007)
- Senate Dems Push All-Night Debate on Iraq Policy (FOX News - Jul 17, 2007)
- Dick Durbin: Durbin Calls for Immediate Reform of FDA Import Program (All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - Jul 18, 2007)
- Dick Durbin: Senate Passes Major Veterans Amendment That Includes Durbin Traumatic Brain Injury Bill ( All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - Jul 18, 2007)
- Bush no fan of Fairness Doctrine (WorldNetDaily, OR - Jul 20, 2007)
- Senators fight for safer toys (Tampa Bay's 10, FL - Jul 20, 2007)
- Khurshid Kasuri
- Pakistani Foreign Minister | Bio
- Govt decides to deploy additional forces in NWFP, tribal areas (Pakistan Link, CA - Jul 16, 2007)
- Pak seeks to salvage collapsed NWFP peace deal (Malaysia Sun, Malaysia - Jul 17, 2007)
- All roads leading to Pakistan (Asia Times Online, Hong Kong - Jun 22, 2007)
- 'Behead all those who insult Islam' (, MI - Jun 23, 2007)
- US flag burned at anti-Musharraf rally (Peninsula On-line, Qatar - Jun 22, 2007)
- Pakistan, Iran hold second round of bilateral consultations (Daily Times, Pakistan - Jul 17, 2007)
- Kasuri for early IPI gas pipeline pact (, FL - Jul 18, 2007)
- Sri Lankan foreign minister calls on Khurshid Kasuri (Associated Press of Pakistan, Pakistan - Jul 18, 2007)
- Some F-16s delivered by US, says Kasuri (, India - Jun 22, 2007)
- Dana Bash
- CNN Congressional Correspondent
- John King
- CNN Chief National Correspondent
- Candy Crowley
- CNN Senior Political Correspondent
- CNN Late Edition (web page for comments)
ABC This Week (George Stephanopoulos)
posted on
07/21/2007 3:37:33 PM PDT
To: A.Hun; Bahbah; Txsleuth; MNJohnnie; eeevil conservative; Alas Babylon!; Seattle Conservative; ...
PingThe Weekend Talk Show Preview Thread is up
It will also be cross posted to my blog at
Here's a sample of my usually witty commentary...
... It's all NIE and Iraq withdrawal this week. The Harry Reid debating society, weenie roast and slumber party quickly became a laughing stock. It was notable for silly posturing by those in favor of defeat and a few gems from those who see the conflict clearly. ...
posted on
07/21/2007 3:39:40 PM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: Phsstpok
Total aside, is this a seperated at birth situation? Nah. Harry Reid looks like the soap opera villain in Texas Rangers who has just had his flacks bumped off. Goebbels looks like the mad scientist in a monster movie.
To: Phsstpok
Unbelievable job, week after week.
they've decided that they have to do two things, change the expectations to unattainable goals and attack and undermine the entire military and General Patraeus in particular.Spot on, my friend.
posted on
07/21/2007 4:42:10 PM PDT
To: Phsstpok
posted on
07/21/2007 4:47:46 PM PDT
(They (Rats) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
To: BusterBear
Harry Reid looks like the soap opera villain in Texas Rangers who has just had his flacks bumped off. Goebbels looks like the mad scientist in a monster movie.The mad scientist in most monster movies, particularly the earliest serials and low budget "dreadfuls," was originally based on Tesla. Edison, who controlled many critical patents for the film industry, used his influence to get them to caricature and defame eastern European born scientists as dangerous kooks as part of his long rivalry with Tesla. Look at the serials for archetypes, particularly ones threatening wide spread destruction with "death rays." Not directly related to that argument, but note the family resemblance with Michael Rennie, of The Day The Earth Stood Still fame.
Nikola Tesla |
Michael Rennie |
Harry Reid |
Joseph Goebbels |
 |
 |
 |
 |
And since Tesla was born in eastern Europe in 1856 and died in the US in 1943 (after having lived in the American southwest for several years) he could easily be the ancestor to all of these men. However, except for Rennie, that is a totally unjust calumny against Tesla, IMO.
posted on
07/21/2007 4:52:05 PM PDT
(Often wrong, but never in doubt)
To: Phsstpok
Thanks for the ping. I don't know how you just keep on "keeping on" with your weekly "gathering" of so much information.
You are doing a commendable service for many FReepers and I speak for many, I'm sure, when I say thanks.
posted on
07/21/2007 5:12:52 PM PDT
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