As a Louisiana resident, I'm pissed off at Vitter and SERIOUSLY disappointed in him.
But I'd still rather have Vitter than Landrieux or God forbid, Senator Nagin. I had a nightmare that if Vitter resigned, Blanco would appoint herself to the Senate, and resign the governorship, allowing Mitch Landrieux to run as an incumbent this fall against Jindal...
When I think about the possibilities, I find it pretty easy to forgive and support Vitter. I still think it would have been funny if he responded to the press simply by saying, "You should put yourself on a diet of oysters and Tabasco and see just how horny you get."
This is what a cartel as in this corrupt “Two-Party Cartel” gives you as leaders. Yes, we do have good people that will run but the corrupt national parties snuff them out. Case in point, there is no better man running for president than Duncan Hunter. Look how he is shut out.