So now the story is over the media has the talking points (its a private matter) so “leave it alone” You watch the story is now dead
I wish Al Gore was a private matter.
Why didn’t Algore claim that
planted the evidence on his son?
totally serial!
Somebody ping Paris's not fair!
Ain’t that the truth!
Any moral/ethical problems on the side of a dem is a “family affair. Bill philandering? Family affair! Gore’s son a dope fiend? Family affair! Teresa Heinz Kerry’s tax returns? Family affair!
What a joke. Now we’ll have to hear the democratic pundits telling us to butt out. AS IF they don’t attack the Bush twins like rabid dogs. Or bring Cheney’s daughter’s sexuality into the limelight for political gain.
Why can’t people see the dems for the hypocrites they are? (I don’t mean US! I mean “Joe.”)
and this comment from someone whose running mate brought up Dick Cheney’s daughter’s gayness in a debate? forgive me, but that’s a private matter....getting arrested on an LA freeway doing 100 MPH and possession of dope is NOT a private matter.
Rush Limbaugh’s problem was not a private family matter. Too bad that Rush’s dad wasn’t albore. albore would have protected Rush.
Imagine if Jenna Bush had been arrested under the same circumstances. Oh, the ALERTS that would be generated nonstop for weeks!