Posted on 06/29/2007 8:46:21 AM PDT by rightwingintelligentsia
Immigration reform is dead. But before conservatives who killed this bill start popping champagne corks, they ought to consider the following.
Our borders will be less secure, not more. Employers who want to do the right thing and only hire legal workers won't have the tools to do so. The 12 million illegal aliens who are here now will continue to live in the shadows, making them less likely to cooperate with law enforcement to report crimes and less likely to pay their full share of taxes. In other words, the mess we created by an outdated and ill-conceived immigration policy 20 years ago will just get worse.
But you won't hear this if you tune in to talk radio over the next few days or read conservative blogs. There will be lots of gloating over having killed "amnesty." There will be claims that senators finally "listened to the people." And, no doubt, some conservatives will be emboldened to consider the next step in their war against illegal immigration, namely to deport those now here illegally.
But none of this matters to the radio talk show hosts who encouraged their millions of listeners to shut down the congressional phone system with calls protesting "amnesty." Nor does it matter to the myriad direct mail outfits opposing immigration, which will reap tens of millions of dollars in donations to fatten their coffers as a result of this "victory."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
‘STFU Linda.
No, she should be heard as well as all other voices’
I did listen. I was informed by Linda I’m a ‘bigot’ and a ‘racist’ among other things. I listened very closely btw.
And having heard her out a couple of weeks back, sorry she needs to STFU. She was wrong with her original position, she was even more wrong about those of us that opposed the Amensty bill, and she remains wrong today as the column demonstrates conclusively.
No need to hear her whining. btw I also heard her on Laura Ingraham’s show right after the column where she described those of us opposed to that horrible legistation as ‘bigots and racists’.
She needs to shut the hell up. She lost, now all she’s doing is delaying the GOP uniting for next years political showdown. And the 2008 election cycle is far more important than the mutterings of Linda the Labeler.
Unbelievable! She fantasizes about what the bill wouldn’t do (illegal aliens cooperating with law enforcement, borders secured, etc.) and deplores what did happen (Senators reluctantly and fearfully listening to the country).
Ms. Chavez seems to have missed the point of this bill; to facilitate and reward alien invasion of the United States.
Looks like Linda doesn’t understand what it is to be American.
Time to leave, Linda.
Looks to me like she helped inspire the defeat of the bill
Yup, thank G_D for Tancredo..... he was one of those people who relentlessly fought for the American taxpayer, the legit small business owner...and all those who are pro LEGAL immigration. Tom was and still is on the “right” side of the law....unlike that POS Chavez. He withstood all the slings and arrows of all the illegal apologists and came out smelling like a rose.
Linda, if there is a case to made for the immigration bill, your side failed to make it in a way conservative voters found convincing. This has nothing to do with the Pied Pipers of Talk Radio and everything to do with the perception that the Administration and the Senate were trying to fool the public.
Bush was not being straightforward about his motives, apparently because neither he nor the Senate can state the truth: "We want to allow unrestricted immigration to shore up US enititlement programs and to prevent a Communist revolution in Mexico." Since those arguments - though important to the elites in both nations - aren't going to carry much weight with Americans who are on the wrong end of an MS-13 invasion of their neighborhoods, the Administration and the Senate chose to argue the case in disingenuous terms, and nobody bought it.
Savage is probably closer to being right. Still, it’s only one day in a decades-long political battle.
The numbers of people stating the calls from legal immigrants opposing the AMNESTY scam were overwhelming says Chavez is all wet.
There is nothing wrong with a country that does not want open borders and these elites will never understand that.
I've said it before: expecting a "comprehensive" immigration bill to handle our current problems is like giving your kid green beans, chicken nuggets and ice cream for dinner and being surprised that he is too stuffed to eat the green beans (oh, and give me more ice cream!).
I’ve liked Linda Chavez in the past. I wouldn’t like to see this experience unhinge her so that she goes the way of Arianna Huffington.
Nobody is even thinking about this, except the author of this simplistic knee-jerk essay.
‘Looks to me like she helped inspire the defeat of the bill’
Insulting your own base used to be viewed as political stupidity.
Alas, since January of 2005 its apparently become a mainstay of this Administration and the GOP in general.
Linda has an insecurity problem after taking flak from La Raza back in her Bush Administration days. She is out to prove her Hispanic blood, whatever that is. Linda, La Racists love you now. Relax. Instead of lecturing those of us who know more about this issue than you do, be glad the Republican Party didn’t rip itself completely apart. Bush will have other causes for you to cheer lead.
There is no penalty, ever, for the bureaucracy ignoring laws that they are Constitutionally obligated to apply. Perhaps that should be an essential part of all laws.
LOL! Absolutely right on target!
You should post that as a response to Linda on Town Hall.
Next: that San Diego Tribune `One-Note Juannie” Ruben what’s his nombre will chime in.
He wore his hair-shirt to bed, so was up all night composing a scolding editorial.
Ja Ja! See you the signing esse!
Demand a border fence! Build it NOW!! Beef up the border patrol and close our borders!
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Courtesy of a pro-amnesty group, no less!!
But what the hey it seems the right has been taken over by the gutter ghetto culture, to the enjoymnet of nancy pelosi.
Did I hurt your widdle feelings by using a bad phrase?
Have you read the Chavez article in question?
Have you talked to Chris Cannon yet about this latest smackdown of the Bush/Kennedy/Reid scamnesty? I know how badly you and him wanted to get “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” going in the House and was wondering what the Pillsbury Dough boy’s thoughts were about it.
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