did you see this? I think this was last night
(if going to link scroll down)
Authorities investigate ‘large amount’ of chemicals found in N.Y. home
NEW YORK (CNN) — Several blocks have been evacuated in Staten Island, N.Y., as police are investigating a “large amount” of chemicals discovered at a home, police said.
Agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are on the scene questioning an individual who had ordered “what appears to be potassium nitrate,” from a chemical dealer in Ohio, according to an ATF official.
The dealer notified local ATF when the individual placed a second order for delivery in August. ATF notified New York police it was planning to question the person, and NYPD followed up by mobilizing full-force with their bomb squad and hazmat teams, according to the ATF official.
Officials from local police and fire, the state Department of Environmental Protection and ATF were on scene trying to determine exactly what kind of chemicals were inside, police say.
Police were seen removing items from the home.