The antibiotics are given to kill diseases these farm-raised fish contract in the filthy overcrowded pens they’re raised in. I saw pictures on some tv show—the fish don’t have room to swim and the water is nearly opaque with fish feces. Parasites abound. Germs and bacteria infest every fish.
It’s not only China. Other Asian countries raise fish this way. Mexico, South America, lots of places are breeding diseased fish. Universities all over the world are looking for cures for the virulent diseases that spread throughout fish farms. Not only are farmed fish diseased, but so are wild fish that swim nearby. In pristine waters off Chile, “Atlantic” salmon has been imported and raised in fish farms. The Atlantic fish brought diseases and parasites unknown in the Pacific waters and wild fish are dying off.
It’s a huge mess in the oceans.
That’s f***ing disgusting. I just threw away the cans of fried dace that I had in the pantry...yes, they were Chinese...