Doubtful. He'd siphon more votes from Hillary than from the Republican candidate.
That depends on what topics he campaigns on. If he hits the correct Republican notes, he can siphon votes. That’s just what Perot did- a careful triangulation of several hot buttons for Republicans and poison pills for Democrats, and Billy Jeff won with 48% (or something) of the vote.
It requires MSM complicity, but that should be no problem.
Doubtful. He'd siphon more votes from Hillary than from the Republican candidate.
I hope (and THINK) you're right. But the guy's got something up his sleeve. I wonder what it is if not as a third party spoiler candidate.
I agree he will siphon more votes from Hillary as Bloomberg was NEVER a Republican — only ran as a Republican to win the Mayor’s race.
Glad to see him leave!
Anyone know/have the poll data on whether or not he’ll take from the pubs or dems....?
The Dems have a few blocs of votes they always count on- blacks, feminists, gays, unionists and secular Jews. Bloomberg will garner many votes from the latter. This doesn’t bode well for Dems.
Bloomie better watch his back and beef up his security detail. Arkancide looms large in his future. That Sopranos spoof that Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clinton put on the internet may have been a veiled warning to all who threaten the Heinous Harridan!
Let’s analyze this...
This will hurt hillary in the NE where the RATs are strongest. Possibly allowing the republican to steal a few states.
The south won’t like the yankee turncoat that just keep switching parties to get elected. But whos votes does he steal from? Obviously in the middle, but which way would those middle votes go if he wasn’t there? Left or Right?
Perot stole the election for Cltinon by stealing southern right-wing and moderate votes.