Thanks Swinney. I don’t think he’ll retire in Mexico. Seems I remember Bush bought about 180,000 acres in Peru recently. does anyone know? Or can confirm? If true think he’ll go there when the $hit hits the fan. Just MHO, but I think it’s a given.
The trueblue conservative Constitution loving Texans will be a bone of contention to him the rest of his days...(if he's there)
..and it it fails, the big business good ole boys who are lining each other's pockets in hopes of this bill, will not be too happy with George!
A parachute is a kindness, especially since he's not giving US one while we're fighting & defending our sovereignty-(if this bill passes).
No, I don't see Bush retiring to the good state of Texas...
..I think he's bought that choice piece of property--(thousands of acres, I hear)--and it's all waiting for him in South America.