To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
You really don't get it, do you. Conservatism isn't "hard-core" like you think it is. Everyone believes in low taxes, limited government, traditional values, strong defense. These are the tried-and-true beliefs that have sustained our nation since it's birth. Oh come on, he's not talking about geniune convervatives who hold on to genuine conservative principles and you know it. He's referring to the Bircheresque wing of radicals on the far far right. We can pretend that they don't exist all day long, but they're out there.
78 posted on
06/01/2007 6:12:25 PM PDT by
(Offending stupid people since 1963)
To: Melas
Oh come on, he's not talking about geniune convervatives who hold on to genuine conservative principles and you know it. Could've fooled me.
He's referring to the Bircheresque wing of radicals on the far far right.
ROFL. Let me guess - they ride pickup trucks with Confederate flags on them, looking for minorities to harm too right?
To: Melas
He's referring to the Bircheresque wing of radicals on the far far right. We can pretend that they don't exist all day long, but they're out there.Thank you, Melas. You are right, of course.
89 posted on
06/01/2007 6:21:17 PM PDT by
("Lord, give me chastity and temperance, but not now." - St. Augustine)
To: Melas
"Bircheresque wing of radicals on the far far right."
Care to define who you are talking about? I really don't see conservatives as infested with David Duke types, but maybe I misunderstand who it is you're referring to.
143 posted on
06/01/2007 7:12:35 PM PDT by
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