To: Melas
Oh come on, he's not talking about geniune convervatives who hold on to genuine conservative principles and you know it. Could've fooled me.
He's referring to the Bircheresque wing of radicals on the far far right.
ROFL. Let me guess - they ride pickup trucks with Confederate flags on them, looking for minorities to harm too right?
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist; Melas
ROFL. Let me guess - they ride pickup trucks with Confederate flags on them, looking for minorities to harm too right? And we've "had our feet on their necks for too long."
93 posted on
06/01/2007 6:25:46 PM PDT by
("A political party cannot be all things to all people." -- Ronald Reagan, 3/1/75)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
ROFL. Let me guess - they ride pickup trucks with Confederate flags on them, looking for minorities to harm too right? Yet another attempt to mischaracterize something I wrote. I'm sensing a pattern here. I said the Bircheresque wing, if somehow you equate that with racism I'd love to know why.
Now if it turns out that the JBS was racist as well as looney, then my apologies. I honestly didn't know there was an association with racism to be made.
148 posted on
06/01/2007 7:23:50 PM PDT by
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