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To: claudiustg
On a scale where -100 is fruit loopy liberal, 0 is moderate, and +100 is cocopuff conservative, I’d say Peggy is about a +50 or +55.

I’d say most people in the general electorate instinctively lean conservative at a +10 or +15. though depending on circumstances, that group can range between -25 and +25.

I’d say the average Freeper is at +95 to +100. The Average DUer is at -95 to -100.

I’m at +70 or so, which around here makes me a RINO or socialist. Well, there you go.

48 posted on 06/01/2007 5:53:22 PM PDT by HitmanLV ("Lord, give me chastity and temperance, but not now." - St. Augustine)
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To: HitmanLV
I’m at +70 or so, which around here makes me a RINO or socialist. Well, there you go.

For each issue, politicians need to be graded on two scales:

  1. To what extent do they push liberal positions.
  2. To what extent do they push conservative positions.
A 'moderate conservative' who on a few issues pushes the conservative side but on other issues remains silent is a very different animal from one who on many issues pushes the conservative side but other issues pushes the liberal side.

The public's reluctance to have a politician who pushes strongly conservatively on almost all issues does not imply that the public wants a politician who balances his conservatism by pushing strongly liberally on other issues.

123 posted on 06/01/2007 6:50:15 PM PDT by supercat (Sony delenda est.)
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