“Who pays your bills?”
Don’t have a mess of them to pay! I worked my ass off for close to 50 years, managed to hide a few bucks here and there.
I run around on a $1500.00 Chinese motorscooter, and take pictures with a couple of refurb cameras from Ebay. Not a month goes by when I don’t get word of another government handout I qualify for, if I am willing to stand in a line with a bunch of big fat HO’s! I’m not!
Hell, I could haul my old ass to the “clinic”, and a whole bunch of “doctors” who look amazingly similar to the bastards who flew into New Yorks towers, could just glance at me, and claim compensation!
Wuli, there have been a couple of times in my life when I may have been “scared”, but I had to get over it, or die!
Hell, I started dieing the minute the Doctor slapped my ass! So did you!