Indeed he is.
There is NO other Republican candidate as capable - or as willing - to hurl bombs toward the Democrats as Rudy. Not Thompson (who admittedly isn't even sure he wants to run). Not Duncan Hunter. Not Romney or McCain. NOT ONE. He is showing us now what kind of campaign he will wage against them in '08. And it's exactly the kind of campaign that must be waged, if we have a chance to win in the electoral atmosphere of 2008.
Rudy had years of this (fighting with liberals and the media) as mayor of New York city. THEY HATED HIM. He fought back, and triumphed.
Rudy is demonstrating that he's "got the stuff" to go hand-to-hand against the Democrats (even though they may retain power after the '08 elections, almost certainly in the House) and come out in good shape.
What have the other candidates done, that shows as much?
- John
He must have been watching Ronald Reagan.