So far, we have Giuliani, Romney, Thompson, and McCain leading. Who and where is the conservative in that batting order? On the key issue: Abortion; G, R, and T have all been outspokenly pro-choice in previous campaigns. Rudy and Romney did everything but hold the flashlight for abortions in their districts. McC hasn't spoken up against abortion on the floor of the Senate. Now, of course they are all tripping overthemselves to establish right-to-life positions, which I happen to believe they'll deliver, if selected, and then elected.
Rudy has been a gun grabber, and I don't see a concealed carry law in Massachusetts, where I understand Romney to have been the Governor. The other two guys? Who knows? They occasionally make the right noises. But, not a one of them is clean on immigration. Taxes? OK, they're OK on taxes, sort of. People were taxed to death before Romney was Governor of MA, and they still are afterwards. The WOT, Iraq? McCain owns Iraq. Rudy owns the WOT. The other two ... no firm commitment yet.
So what the heck are we talking about? If any of the following: either Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, or bless'im, John McCain, puts together the campaign, the money, and the organization to win substantial victories in primary battles, and carries the convention, what are we supposed to do? Fight for your man now, with everything you've got. But after the convention, STFU, back the winner, and turn out the Republicans, that's what. Trade your support for the positions and people you want. It's the American way.
My hat's in the ring for Hunter ... but guess what ... no money ... no organization ... no media presence ... no nuthin' ... but he's one hell of a lot more demonstrably conservative (with the exception of being able to sniff out pork for the folks at home and logrolling with Democrats) than any of the chaps mentioned above.
Our two-party system is a thing painful to behold. But if somebody wants to go the "Pox on both your houses," The Peronista, or the Bull Moose route, disaster lies ahead. This ain't France, with a run-off system. BJC took the presidency with 42% of the vote. His wife, or other equally reprehensible party, is uniquely poised to do the same.
A putative Third Party? Forget it.
We might as well hand the Gore/Obama/Sharpton team (or equivalent) the keys to the White House now and save the trouble and expense of an election.
Here's what I am planning to do: Fight for my man now, with everything I've got. But after the Republican Convention, I am going to STFU, back whoever is the winner, and turn out the Republicans, that's what. Trade my support for the positions and people I want. It's the American way.
B/S. Thompson has a 100% pro life record, You can drop that anti-Thompson pro-Rudy propaganda now.
Well, in my view the key issue is the WOT, the Republican Partiy is fortunate in fielding several candidates qualified in that regard, Guiliani, Gingrich, Hunter, and perhaps Thompson.
Your choice of issues, on abortion by your definition that leaves us Gingrich, Hunter and McCain. Personally, Id include Thompson.
But tripping over themselves?
Where is the clear leader, Rudy, tripping over himself to establish a right-to-life position?
I havent seen it, and the answer is he hasnt.
Because hes looking to the general election, and apparently confident enough to move to the center long before the convention.
Tripping over himself would mean, to me, at a minimum a clear public statement that hed attempt no changes in the 2000 and 2004 Republican Platforms.
Hes tripping over himself on abortion as hes tripping over himself on the 2nd amendment.
Not at all, hes a talented candidate, thus a talented runner.
And I agree about the third party, along with the fourth, fifth, sixth et al.
I can't imagine any circumstance I'd vote for Rudy in the primary any more than I can imagine a circumstance I wouldn't vote for him in the general against what the Dems are showing.
It's only April.
I will not let the Party establishment shoe in a liberal on so many issues and then think they can get my vote.
If I just want to win, hell, why not join the Democrats for the high probability 08 win...(because I have principle)....but the Giuliani supporters who claim to be conservative have no principles, so the Dem Party is a great option for them.
My strong feeling is that Fred Thompson gets in in about a month and the tide turns, thus the Gary Hartization of Giuliani. If Thompson doesn’t get in Giuliani has a shot. But he will CERTAINLY lose the General election but libs will vote for the Dem and conservatives will not be activated..
So, if the GOP establishment wants to commit suicide, they can do it without me.
Sort of putting the cart before the horse.
How about before the primaries, STFU, back the guy you like, don't be a whiny b!tch if he gets hammered for his liberal policies, and stop telling us who we have to vote for in order to beat Hillary.
And may the best man win!
Then, after (and only after) the dust has settled, we'll get together and talk about strategy to beat the Dems.
No, that's not true about Thompson. That claim has been debunked.