Posting the facts on Hizzoner is not "bashing" him. You guys really need to wake up and smell the coffee.
This is why I find these threads so stupid. Rather than bashing Rudy, how bout telling me why I should vote for your candidate.
Oh Yeah, its easier to bash Rudy so you can feel so superior to everyone else and I am not voting for him or anyone yet.
Pray for W and Our Troops
A Free State...If You Can Keep It by Robert F. Hawes Jr.
It is said that, at the close of the Constitutional Convention, a woman approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him what type of government had been decided upon by the delegates. Franklin stated: "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it."
Franklin, of course, also believed that the Constitution could only last as long as the people themselves could sustain it:
and "I say Ye of Little Faith!" Extremely Extreme Extremist