Tell that to God. He put his positions into stone. What is good and right today will be good and right tomorrow.
Conditions change.
Typically heard out of a 'progressives' mouth when talking about why we need Homosexual marriage after thousands of years of Marriage being Man and Woman! Typically heard out of a progressives mouth when talking about idiotic Sexual Harassment and Gun Control Laws! Typically heard out of a 'progressives' mouth when talking about hate crimes.
The idea is to win so that the defective and dangerous clintons do not retake the White House, not that any particular R becomes president.
In winning at all cost we become the Clintons.
We should field the strongest R. To do any less would be irresponsible.
So if we could get John Skarry, The Goreacle, or Bubba himself to run as a R, and they had the best chance of beating Hillary you would vote for them?
If we don’t win, we will HAVE the clintons.