So every time I go anywhere without a wallet and cell phone I'm "sanitized?"
Only if you cap off a shooting spree by blowing your face off.
You are if you've attempted to obliterate the serial numbers on your weapons and of course, if you shoot your face off.
Do you drive? without a license? No money, no credit card? No ID? No proof of insurance? You must be walking--and not far.
No mailbox key (not going to the post office?).
just about every kid I know who can afford one or who can talk their parents into adding them to their phone plan has a cell phone, and aside from being dropped in the toilet, they are practically part of them, and nothing they would leave behind. (Well, not a second time, but they are usually over that by the end of high school). Students at Virginia Tech not "wired in"?
Apparently the perp remembered to pack plenty of ammo and a couple of firearms, chains and locks for the doors, but in the rush to get out the door forgot his walllet, even though there were a couple of hours between the first shootings and the rest. Hmmmm. Maybe there was more than one.
Just a thought.
Most guys don't leave home without it. Only rarely does anyone who drives go anywhere without some form of ID, at least a license, registration, and insurance card. Nothing?
Not even keys?
Nope, nothing strange here, just move along folks.