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AP NewsBreak: Police find driver in Corzine crash, won't charge
AP ^
| 4/14/2007
| Beth Defalco
Posted on 04/14/2007 10:30:07 AM PDT by 50mm
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To: Moose4
I haven’t even heard the name of the driver of the white pickup. Odd.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:46:17 AM PDT
To: 50mm
Fox News just reported that the red pickup driver has a “mental impairment.”
posted on
04/14/2007 10:48:58 AM PDT
(algore uses 20 times as much energy as me)
To: Howlin
All things lead to illegals, doncha know? On this forum it sure as hell does. Heck, every time the border bots find an article about an illegal who has committed a crime, they are simply giddy about it.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:50:18 AM PDT
(Bush Derangement Syndrome Has Reached Pandemic Levels on Free Republic.)
To: Moose4
"The statement of the driver of the red Ford pickup indicates that he was
unaware that he caused this accident which unfolded as the other two vehicles passed him," State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes said. "He stated that he pulled back onto the road and left the area, believing that he was not involved."
Hmmmm.... might have to fix their graphic
posted on
04/14/2007 10:51:46 AM PDT
To: 50mm
What's a "special needs" driver?
posted on
04/14/2007 10:52:51 AM PDT
(A liberal's compassion is limited only by the size of someone else's wallet.)
To: I still care
I know several deaf people who drive, and while I know they are very responsible, Ive often wondered about how could they hear a horn, or an accident, or a siren. 90% of horn use is unnecessary and useless, so no great loss there. If you're close enough to hear an accident, you're probably close enough to see it. And even if you can't hear the siren, you can see the lights in enough time to get out of the way; I'm constantly amazed by how many drivers with the full use of all five senses simply don't.
On the other hand, a deaf driver isn't distracted by the radio, the cell phone, music blaring from other people's cars, or yakking passengers, so they're more attentive and on balance probably safer drivers.
To: 50mm
Something smells here
It sure does:
"Ingram had a question for Fred Thompson: What would you do if you ran the way you wanted to run? Thompson thought for a minute, then said he'd shed as much of the campaign apparatus as possible and drive around the state in a pick-up truck. Ingram suggested he do just that, and Thompson thought it a good recommendation. Thompson would soon be known for his red pick-up truck. It made Fred comfortable as a candidate. He felt liberated to just be himself."
There you have it! FRED is RUNNING!!! GO FRED!
[parody only, it's just a joke folks ;)]
posted on
04/14/2007 10:53:15 AM PDT
('President Rudy!!! = an aborted fetus in every pot, and no guns in any garage!!!')
To: Brilliant
I think you are right. I appears that Corzine’s car was exceeding the speed limit (I guess he wanted to get to meet Imus.) I have no doubt that the red car probably merged from the shoulder onto the road without allowing for the speed of the cars on the parkway...they go incredibly too fast...but from all accounts, his merging onto the road forced ANOTHER car into the lane of Corzine’s car, whose driver then avoided the accident by hitting the guard rail rather than the car. It would be hard to prove that the car that went into Corzine’s lane had no other choice than to do so...who’s to say that he or she didn’t overreact and cause the accident.
To: Moose4
Whats a special needs driver?
I have it from an impeccable source the driver of the red truck is blind.
To: 50mm
Fox News just reported that the red pickup driver has a mental impairment.
I would say that Corzine has a "mental impairment" for not using his seatbelt.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:54:37 AM PDT
Agent Smith
(Fallujah delenda est. (I wish))
Hoping/an educated guess. There must be some reason why they don’t want to identify the driver. He works for a casino, an establishment that probably hires illegals, like many in Las Vegas do.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:55:05 AM PDT
To: Moose4
"I havent heard a single thing about the driver of the white truck that actually forced the Guvs SUV into the guardrail. We know that that truck had to swerve to miss the red truck (supposedly), but I havent read whether that driver is all right, if he had to go to the hospital, will he be charged, nothing." I'm speculating, but I'll bet the scenario goes something like this:
Red truck is driving along in the right lane at a legal, but somewhat slow speed. Driver of white truck comes up on him at a moderate speed, and swerves into the next lane to avoid hitting him. The governor, speeding excessively behind the white truck swerves to avoid it and goes out of control.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:56:35 AM PDT
(Planting trees to offset carbon emissions is like drinking water to offset rising ocean levels)
To: NautiNurse
“He is a special needs driver”
— -—
Yes he was. The governor had a special need to find someone to blame.
posted on
04/14/2007 10:58:59 AM PDT
(A true liberal today is a combination of socialist, fascist, hypocrite, and anti-American.)
To: Gatún(CraigIsaMangoTreeLawyer)
Corzines driver caused the accident. He was speeding.The driver was a cop. Cops NEVER speed.
posted on
04/14/2007 11:00:19 AM PDT
Fresh Wind
(Vaclav Klaus: "A whip of political correctness strangles their voice")
To: HighWheeler
Pretty low of the demoncrats to play the “blame the retarded guy” card...
posted on
04/14/2007 11:00:42 AM PDT
To: Gatún(CraigIsaMangoTreeLawyer)
Whats a special needs driver?1) Needs a passport.
2) Needs a social security number
3) Needs to learn English
Pick one, two or all three...
posted on
04/14/2007 11:01:16 AM PDT
(Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: norwaypinesavage
The red truck was on the should and partly on the grass. It looks like the white truck was in the right lane and governor in the left. The red truck veers back onto the road and back into the near lane which is occupied by the white truck. The white truck veers left to avoid being hit by the red truck. The white truck clips the governor’s vehicle.
posted on
04/14/2007 11:02:02 AM PDT
(If we can't locate/deport illegals, how will we get them to come forward to pay their $3,500 fines?)
To: 50mm
It was probably Imus trying to get that meeting cancelled.
Was he wearing a cowboy hat and lookin’ old?
posted on
04/14/2007 11:05:12 AM PDT
(Fighting the new liberal Conservatism. The Left foot in the GOP door.)
To: Fresh Wind
LOL!!! I stand corrected. I had forgotten that important detail.
Its a wonder he didnt kill everybody with his skillful driving.
To: Netizen
According to the driver “this accident [which] unfolded as the other two vehicles passed him”. The statement seems to contradict that he pulled out in front.
posted on
04/14/2007 11:09:05 AM PDT
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