I thought the article was about ID...you appear to think it's about creationists. Was there 2 articles?
No, it's just that ID is (very) thinly disguised creationism. For example, try saying something insulting about the alleged designer and see how fast the "ID" folks start whining about you "attacking God" or "attacking religion"... Discuss the flaws in the "Intelligent Design" arguments and see how often you get called "anti-God", etc., by the vast number of folks who are trying to get "ID" into schools precisely *because* they see it as a way of "returning God to the classroom". Etc. etc.
"Intelligent Design" is just a Trojan horse for creationism. Read the transcripts of the Dover _Kitzmiller_ trial for more than ample evidence on that score.
Also see:
ARE THERE ANY IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INTELLIGENT DESIGN AND CREATIONISM?The "Intelligent Design" book "Of Pandas and People" started out as a book on "creationism" (explicitly), then suddenly "morphed" into a book on "intelligent design" (via the authors swapping the labels, but NOT the text or even the definition of "creationism"-oops-we-meant-ID) when a court case struck down "scientific creationism" from the classroom:"Intelligent Design": Religion Masquerading as Science
Intelligent Design: The New Stealth Creationism
The Bait and Switch of "Intelligent Design": Religion Masquerading as Science
Intentional Deception: Intelligent Design Creationism
Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design
In their unguarded moments, the leaders of the "ID" movement even admit it flat out:
The protestations of "ID isn't creationism" don't seem to be fooling anyone, not even the editorial cartoonists:
Bravo Ichy, its quite fine work that you do...I read everything, and look forward to even more when you have it completed..
And for those who will not read your grand rebuttal, so what?...I think you and many of us know, that will always be those who will refuse to read and understand what you have written...that is a given...
But rest assured, for many posters here, as well as for the lurkers, your work is appreciated...
You're still wrong...but it doesn't really matter to me.
For example, try saying something insulting about the alleged designer and see how fast the "ID" folks start whining about you "attacking God" or "attacking religion"
Nice straw-man argument...so you disprove ID as a theory because some advocates might also take offense if you attack their view of God. That's fine, but don't expect me to be impressed by such tactics.
Wow what a lot of time you put into that.
You evos really are worried aren't you ? What are you trying to hide ?
Me ? I've got all the facts i need in one handy book. You may remember it from your youth before you scorned it for the "religion" of science.
Its called THE BIBLE.