Is that above an NCO?
Ask any CWO5 and he will tell you it is above a general. Most generals will agree.
He's about on par with a Major / Lt Colonel ... he just does not have a commision and is not in the officer chain of command.
Think of him as a Master Plumber, Master Electrician or master machinist.
One of the smartest and best educated groups I ever met were all Warrant Officers in the CID. They have PHDs on staff.
If you train a commissioned officer to job, they have "up or out" rules and are kicked out if they don't get promoted. But they don't get promoted if they don't go to different schools, and don't hold several jobs demonstrating wide competence. Either way, the Army loses the member from the technical slot, and has to train a replacement. Warrant Officers, WO1-WO5, are supposed to have the perks on an officer, but still be able to just do their job and not worry getting their ticket punched by holding a new position every 18 months.
People who should be Warrant officers, but aren't, for historical reasons, are JAGs, Chaplains and Doctors.
It's O-level pay, w/out being in the command structure.
Most helo pilots (myself included) start of as either LT or WO, and it's really personal choice more than anything.
I watched a full bird get brow beat pretty hard by a CWO4 when I was in the Marine Corps. It was fun to watch.
They don't do too bad.
The warrant grades are considered by some to be the sweetest spot in the Army. The warrant grades, W-1 thru W-4, are indeed between the enlisted and commissioned ranks. However, I believe they have most of the privelages of commissioned officers. As an enlisted man, I seem to recall having to salute them. They are addressed as "Mr." as I recall. They are typically utilized for technical or specialized skills and is a means of providing recognition and compensation for these skills. I am not sure as it has been a long time since I was in the army but I seem to recall that a W-4 is compensated about the same as a major. I am sure that there is an FR'er out there with the definitive scoop.
I'm sure that man was an institution wherever he went.
Is that above an NCO?
Yes. It is between enlisted and regular officers.