Posted on 03/28/2007 4:23:24 PM PDT by UKrepublican
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Iran's foreign minister says Britain must admit that its 15 sailors and marines entered Iranian waters for the standoff to be resolved.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Home Sweet Retribution!
So did I!!! I'm thinking that was some kind of sign to the outside world; I bet she doesn't even smoke!
Okay, we will, the day Ahmadinejad admits it really was him who held the American hostages.
Monty Python characters could probably do a better job sending the right message.
lol. I like how you think. Locating 5 tons of pigsh!t might
be a bit difficult.
That scenario is similar to one in 1984.
I have been thinking about it all night. Maybe it's a signal to her superiors that things are not hunky dory and they need to start bombing pronto. If she's not a smoker, however, she'd be coughing all over the place and her parents would mention it to the papers that it was odd she was smoking and then her captors might get suspicious it was all a secret message. And then finally, she probably is a smoker and was a nervous wreck and they gave her a cigarette. Whatever the case, I pray she gets home to her little baby soon.
Given that, I won't be surprised to see the Brits give in to Iran's demands. Smiling all the while. It would make Iran's hated leader look small and stupid in the eyes of the Iranian people.
Don't be so sure. The Brits might just acknowledge this, being unsure of what else to do. It would be disconcerting.
yes and no; argentina was never a threat anywhere but the falklands/south georgia etc., and never ever threatened asymetrical warfare, much less had a organized infrastructure producing just that in considerable quantity. Argentina was (and is) a conventional banana republic doing banana republic things which they already had some history of (they have fought with chile a couple of times over the most obscure things, including islands in tierra del fuego). Arg never ever had the ability to project any power of any kind against britain itself, nor did it claim to.
I think the major concerns of the west are economic WRT attacking Iran - no one wants 200$ oil (I know some freepers claim the straits of hormuz can never ever be closed by Iran, but clearly I am not so well informed) and absolutely no one wants the US or world economies to go into instant recession or depression. Added instability in Iraq, possible nukes already owned by Iran, and possible terrorist action by them within the borders of the west are added issues.
"Although I have heard that Hillary can be quite a scary sight when she is throwing an ash tray your way."
My concern with HRC is that from what I can tell she views foreign policy as an extension of domestic politics without any over-riding goals or interests. The current president, whatever else might be said, clearly has a foreign policy vision which he is willing to sink himself domestically to pursue/protect.
Not very good liars, are they?
LOL, thanks! I haven't seen that one!
LOL, thanks! I haven't seen that one!
If that's the case...the Iranians may be correct in their assessment of the Brits actions.
"We will continue to say NIGH! until you release our sailors"
You forgot Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee.
I heard this on the news the day this first started. I have been wondering why no one has been talking about this aspect of it. I assume the delay thus far has been due to the planning for the prisoner swap, which has to be done in such a way as to not let the world know the West caved in.
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