Trible, Robb, and our Senile Senator John Warner.
I'm not conceding any of those three. Warner may be senile NOW, but he fought vigorously for the troops on the Armed Services Committee for years. Robb was a useless playboy, but not malevolent to my knowledge (plus his office did get me Clinton impeachment tickets). I barely remember the name Trible.
I think Webb's got a lock on Worst Senator Ever.
Trible wasn't a bad Senator. He was just a junior senator in John Warner's shadow.
His wrong move was declining to stand for reelection because he was afraid of a challenge from Chuck Robb. Thus handing the seat over the Robb without a fight. Then Trible tried to out conservative himself to get the nomination for Governor in 1989. He failed.
Since then however, he's done quite a good job as President of Christopher Newport College.