The Weekend Talk Show Preview Thread is up
It has been posted at FreeRepublic at
It will also be cross posted (sometime soon) to my blog at
Here's a sample of my usually witty commentary...
This is week two of the ongoing soap opera in Washington regarding the scandal of "the Exploitable Eight." The decibel level has been raised considerably and there is little or no attempt at masking the naked partisanship of the attacks by the Dhimmicrats and their myrmidon minions in the drive by media. The hysteria level is truly over the top, but that's part of the plan. They can't let anyone pause for a breath because people might actually figure out that there's nothing but partisan hyperventilation going on here...
Oh, and the second thing this whole imbroglio is about is distracting people from the obscene spectacle that the nations mother in law, Nazi Pelosi, put us all through with her bribe fest over the "Surrender in Iraq in 2008 Act." ...
This weekends shows appear to be as carefully orchestrated a partisan attack as any I've seen in a long time, with a single minded devotion to doing damage to the White House, regardless of cost to the nation or the world...
... I think I've got a pretty good handle on the DBM's intentions this week, but I also have this nagging suspicion that their own plans may blow up on them, and that doesn't even consider the inconvenient truth of Iran's madmen intruding on our DBM's "narrative" so unexpectedly. ...
I didn't have a visit with my surgeon this week so I laid out my plans based on that. Unfortunately I spent from 3 AM to Noon dealing with a car crash involving my oldest son. He's OK, but it did take up the better part of eight hours dealing with it so far. So I'm late. Big deal. I, for one, have my priorities straight!
Again, he is OK. Otherwise you might never hear from me again. I'm doing a lot of "thank You" prayers this weekend, believe you me.,CST-EDT-novak18.article
Here is the column that has the note that I was posting about with Rahm Emanuel..
I am very glad to hear that your son is okay.
YES..I agree, you do have your priorities in the correct order.
Well here's one from me!
Dear Lord, We thank You for watching over Phsstpok's son and seeing him unharmed thru his ordeal. Glory to You, Father! In Jesus name, Amen.
Well I am very glad your son is OK. Wow. You still got the thread up. You are amazing.
Thanks for posting this, no matter how depressing.
Prayers for your family...glad to hear all is well.
Prayers for your son's speedy recovery.
Just saw this, Phsstpok. I add my prayers of gratitude that your son is alright.
Nothing scarier.