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To: JoanneSD; Red Badger
Remember, if they get legal status then that legitimizes their offspring. Even clarifying the rulings regarding the 14th Amendment won't matter.

When their bambinos turn 18 they will vote for any candidate that promises rewards to madre and padre for all their past "suffering".

To wit; my tagline.

38 posted on 03/21/2007 12:37:43 PM PDT by raybbr (You think it's bad now - wait till the anchor babies start to vote.)
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To: raybbr

Since 1972 and the unlawful resolution on RvW by the USSC, America's birthrate among multi-generational Americans has declined to below replacement level. Today 2/3 births are to ONE and TWO generation "Americans", or to those whose forefathers had little or no sweat equity in building this great country. Consider how that has the potential to change the dynamics of the USA.

At current immigration levels - legal and illegal, in just ONE more generation, there will be a majority of voters in America through the "anchor baby" system having more generational ties to another sovereign country than to the United States.

40 posted on 03/21/2007 12:47:58 PM PDT by azhenfud (The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.)
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To: raybbr
When their bambinos turn 18 they will vote for any candidate that promises rewards to madre and padre for all their past "suffering".

Hopefully their bambinos will be "Americanized" to the point that they won't give a rat's hind leg about voting when they turn 18, and up to about 25 or so. I didn't much care about it when I was 18. I was too busy doing other stuff, like girls, cars, stereos etc. Oh, yeah, I joined the USMC, too for 4 years. Didn't see much news or pay much attention then either. I f they are like my 20 year old daughter and her friends, they are more into having a good time and listening to music rather than talk radio or reading Cosmo or H'wood people rags rather than newspapers. ......

41 posted on 03/21/2007 12:48:29 PM PDT by Red Badger (If it's consensus, it's not science. If it's science, there's no need for consensus......)
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