To: onyx
I cannot even begin to fathom this ugly, power drunk party winning the White House in '08. I don't care who I have to vote for.It is time for those of us who have been called traitors on this forum because we are not 'pure' enough conservatively to fight back and not let these one issue people take this country to hell.
505 posted on
03/20/2007 3:32:34 PM PDT by
(Honk if you like Fred Thompson!!!)
To: Howlin
I completely agree with you. Our one issue conservatives are just as bad as the left's moonbats and more destructive.
508 posted on
03/20/2007 3:34:25 PM PDT by
(When somethng is true, one need not lie to prove it.)
To: Howlin
It is time for those of us who have been called traitors on this forum because we are not 'pure' enough conservatively to fight back and not let these one issue people take this country to hell.Ditto. Maybe turnabout is fair play and we should call freepers who don't care as much as we do about fiscal conservatism or national security issues the traitors. LOL
515 posted on
03/20/2007 3:35:38 PM PDT by
(The Clintons' pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
To: Howlin
It is time for those of us who have been called traitors on this forum because we are not 'pure' enough conservatively to fight back and not let these one issue people take this country to hell. Yes it is and I mean it: I do not care who I have to vote for. The GOP nominee gets my vote and my support.
Right now, the democrats want the win more than the GOP and I find that totally disgusting. Let the damn purists go third party now. Most are Bush haters so let them support Tancredo. I'm sick of the blackmail wing.
528 posted on
03/20/2007 3:38:27 PM PDT by
(DEFEAT Hillary Clinton, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky & ally and beneficiary of Soros.)
To: Howlin
It is time for those of us who have been called traitors on this forum because we are not 'pure' enough conservatively to fight back and not let these one issue people take this country to hell.Amen.
To: Howlin
"It is time for those of us who have been called traitors on this forum because we are not 'pure' enough conservatively to fight back and not let these one issue people take this country to hell."
Amen to that, Howlin. I will personally vote for a Yellow Dog over a democrat, even a mangy one.
But I hope I can vote for Fred.
678 posted on
03/20/2007 5:59:47 PM PDT by
(Fred, get the heck into that red pickup and start driving.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson