I'm watching and not committing yet.
But McCain is clearly trying to smear Rudy Giuliani and I say Anybody But McCain.
What makes Rudy and or Romney good candidates is that they are not Washington.
Sadly too many of our choices have had or do have the title Senator or Congressman in front of their names. I could support a Newt or a Duncan Hunter, but will the rest of the voters?
That's what kind of takes the wind out of my sails, too. We haven't had a clear leader who could unite conservatives announce just yet. I mean, Hunter has announced, but he hasn't been any more effective at getting his points out than President Bush. The problem with that is for me, he'd be just as effective as President Bush at defending himself against liberal attacks. We all know how President Bush has done...nothing but silence in response. It's just maddening.
We need a leader who can actually reach the people. I respect and support President Bush. Sadly, he has proven he is simply incapable of defeating the liberal propaganda machine. Fortunately, the results of his actions go a long way in his favor. So in the long run, history will favor him but for now? His administration is getting eaten alive by the liberal propaganda machine.
We need better than this. We need a leader who can promote his message.
Sorry for the rant...
To borrow from a Las Vegas promo, "what happens in New York needs to stay in New York" - Giuliani included.
My immediate concern isn't for just the 2008 election process, but what nominating a self-professed liberal such as Giuliani says to Conservatives and rightly tilted RINO's and Democrats of our nation. It says, "It's okay to make laws regulating our rights to gun ownership, even regulating them out of our hands. It's okay to make laws requiring objecting citizens to federally fund abortions - even partial birth abortions inclusive. It's okay to make laws requiring all citizens not only accept, but promote the homosexual agenda. and It's okay making laws to not only open the US borders to criminal invaders, but to force taxpayer funding their sustenance while they're here." It implies to all leaders by default, "Those Conservative ideals once treasured are no longer important, so don't concern yourself with defending them any longer." It says we accept and embrace the policies, past and present, of Giuliani.
I'm not willing to make that statement expressly nor implicitly to those entrusted to defend Conservative hallmarks of present and past Patriots, those ideals we've struggled just to accomplish and maintain.
It's sad to see those of the GOP focused only upon 2008 and not the bigger picture - the message both halls of Congress will hear with a liberal like Giuliani on a supposedly "CONSERVATIVE" ticket. As for me and for that reason, Rudolph Giuliani is a non-starter - a "not in any circumstance" candidate. I'm adult enough to know, as the Republican Presidency goes, so goes the party and what it values.
Truly, I cannot easily reconcile the territorial divide that separates Rudy's values from those I hold dear - there's simply too much compromise to be made on HIS part and too much to be made upon MINE for me to render my support to him OR THE PARTY that would embrace him.
Preferably, Giuliani will implode under the weight of his own liberal record before the primaries. We'll just have to wait and see...
I don't like Rudy, but I'd vote for him before I'd vote for McCain. At least in the primaries.
Fortunately, I don't think I'll have to make that choice.