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UK Government Program Teaching Four-Year-Olds about Homosexuality
LifeSiteNews ^
| 3/16/07
| Gudrun Schultz
Posted on 03/16/2007 5:17:57 PM PDT by wagglebee
ENGLAND, United Kingdom, March 16, 2007 ( - Primary schools in the United Kingdom have begun teaching children as young as four about homosexuality, in anticipation of new anti-discrimination laws coming into effect next month, the Daily Mail reported earlier today.
Homosexuality-themed story books are being used in fourteen schools to introduce the children to the homosexual lifestyle. Among the texts in use are "King and King", a fairy-tale about a prince who rejects three princesses before falling in love with another prince, "Spacegirl Pukes", about a little girl with two mommies, and "And Tango Makes Three," telling the story of two male penguins who fall in love at a New York zoo.
The schools are participating in a new government-funded program that is aimed at studying the best approach to familiarize school children with homosexual relationships-the study results will be made available to all schools to assist them in utilizing the books to normalize homosexuality.
The £600,000 No Outsiders program also includes workshops for local councils to help with the implementation of the Equality Act banning discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, taking effect April 6.
Christian and pro-family organizations are deeply concerned that the new laws will leave schools vulnerable to lawsuits if they don't incorporate homosexual material into their curriculums. Simon Calvert, spokesman for the Christian Insitute, told the Daily Mail the equality laws will result in schools being "compelled" to promote homosexuality to their students or face litigation.
"The predictions of those who said the repeal of Section 28 would result in the active promotion of homosexuality in schools are coming true," Calvert said, referring to the decision to strike down the law banning promotion of homosexuality in the schools.
Although the Government has persisted in claiming that schools will remain at liberty to determine what they teach, a program leader emphasized the legal requirement to avoid any discrimination against homosexuals.
"The purpose of the project is to support schools in meeting their requirements under the Equality Act," said Dr. Elizabeth Atkinson, lecturer in social and educational inquiry at Sunderland University, "which will require all public institutions to meet the needs of gay and lesbian users."
The Joint Committee on Human Rights, composed of members of Parliament and the House of Lords, issued a report February 26, recommending that religious schools be forced to modify their religious teaching to comply with the sexual orientation regulations.
The report stated that while the regulations "would not prevent pupils from being taught as part of their religious education the fact that certain religions view homosexuality as sinful," schools would not be permitted to teach "a particular religion's doctrinal beliefs as if they were objectively true."
"We do not consider that the right to freedom of conscience and religion requires the school curriculum to be exempted from the scope of the sexual orientation regulations."
The Christian Voice advocacy group is calling for parents to act, pledging to identify the schools where the books are in use so they can be pressured to remove them from the curriculum.
"The arrogance of people like Elizabeth Atkinson, using children as guinea pigs is outrageous and thoroughly wicked," said director Stephen Green.
"I am astonished at this project and we are trying to find out where these schools are to empower parents to put pressure on them to remove the books."
To politely express concerns to Dr. Atkinson:
See related LifeSiteNews coverage:
UK: Religious Schools May Not Teach Christian Sexual Morals "As if They Were Objectively True"
Homosexual Activists Target UK Faith Schools, Adoption Policies
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: education; homosexualagenda; moralabsolutes; perversion
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Homosexuality-themed story books are being used in fourteen schools to introduce the children to the homosexual lifestyle. Among the texts in use are "King and King", a fairy-tale about a prince who rejects three princesses before falling in love with another prince, "Spacegirl Pukes", about a little girl with two mommies, and "And Tango Makes Three," telling the story of two male penguins who fall in love at a New York zoo. Sick!
posted on
03/16/2007 5:18:04 PM PDT
To: 230FMJ; 49th; 50mm; 69ConvertibleFirebird; AFA-Michigan; Agitate; Alexander Rubin; AliVeritas; ...
posted on
03/16/2007 5:18:43 PM PDT
("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
To: Tired of Taxes; Republicanprofessor; mcvey; JamesP81; DaveLoneRanger
posted on
03/16/2007 5:20:00 PM PDT
("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
To: wagglebee
Are they going to teach them that NAMBLA refrain...If not by eight, then it's too late? The sickness in government is growing like a cancer.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:21:31 PM PDT
(Everyone should have a subject they are ignorant about. I choose professional corporate sports.)
To: wagglebee
posted on
03/16/2007 5:23:26 PM PDT
(Marcus Tullius)
To: wagglebee
Not to worry, W. Soon enough Sharia Law in England will put a stop to what Christianity seems incapable or unwilling to stop.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:25:44 PM PDT
(Christ is Risen, and you, o death, are annihilated!)
To: wagglebee; All; MoochPooch; Michael81Dus; Vicomte13; az_gila; Experiment 6-2-6; henkster; ...
A new pinglist, so if you're interested.....
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This pinglist can terminate at any time, without notice.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:27:35 PM PDT
Jedi Master Pikachu
( What is your take on Acts 15:20 (abstaining from blood) about eating meat? Could you freepmail?)
To: AlaskaErik
Are they going to teach them that NAMBLA refrain...
Damn. You beat me. Eight's too late!
To: wagglebee
Splendid. Why don't they just go ahead and show them gay porn all day long?
The world has gone nuts.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:28:23 PM PDT
To: wagglebee
The number of people living with HIV in the UK has increased steadily since the virus was discovered in the early 1980s. Official figures for 2002 put this at nearly 50,000 people. Of infections acquired in the UK, men who have sex with men remain at the highest risk of infection.
To: Jedi Master Pikachu
your self important spam is getting old, jedi
To: Kolokotronis
Yea, in a few years everyone in the UK will be pointing their rears toward allah five times a day anyway
posted on
03/16/2007 5:31:53 PM PDT
(Fred Thompson '08)
To: doc1019
You have an interesting idea there. Maybe if the non-Islamic world mooned Mecca SIX times a day.....?
To: Vn_survivor_67-68
If you'd look, it's a pinglist.
Stop being a rude jerk.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:42:14 PM PDT
Jedi Master Pikachu
( What is your take on Acts 15:20 (abstaining from blood) about eating meat? Could you freepmail?)
To: Attention Surplus Disorder
I have believed for many years that members of the ROP have been pointing their butts in the wrong direction if they truly wanted to praise their god. Every day I praise allah when I take my daily constitutional and I definitely flush in the right direction.
posted on
03/16/2007 5:50:16 PM PDT
(Fred Thompson '08)
To: Jedi Master Pikachu
your self-aggrandizing spam is what is rude, and you shouldn't be imposing it as garishly as you have made it, and esp not on non-related threads, like you do. Ping-list etiquette and form has been established on FR long before you showed up, and I can't imagine where you get the audacity that you display.
To: Vn_survivor_67-68
Considering the dates in your username, you shouldn't be a child.
If you don't want to see the pinglist signs, then JUST IGNORE THEM.
Now, is that so hard? (rhetorical).
posted on
03/16/2007 5:53:01 PM PDT
Jedi Master Pikachu
( What is your take on Acts 15:20 (abstaining from blood) about eating meat? Could you freepmail?)
To: Vn_survivor_67-68
What "non-related threads?"
Is the UK not in Europe? (rhetorical).
posted on
03/16/2007 5:53:57 PM PDT
Jedi Master Pikachu
( What is your take on Acts 15:20 (abstaining from blood) about eating meat? Could you freepmail?)
To: Vn_survivor_67-68
Knock off the personal attacks.
To: Admin Moderator
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