What is this woman problem to which some have referred?
Do you know?
Was it just a divorce?
I imagine he went out with women! Horrible, isn't it?
He dated an awful lot of folks -- that is about it. His current wife, Jeri Kehn, is a friend of mine and my age -- 40. They married just a couple of years ago and now have two small children together. She used to work at the RNC, actually, in the Communications Dept.
He was just an eligible bachelor and dated around a lot. No infidelity that I ever heard about....just lots of women who tried to get their hooks into him.
Attention all the controllers, attention. We have a code red alert. Every aircraft approaching our sector who are not already in our landing pattern gets diverted to their alternete airport now. Everyone already on approach, or in side of the pattern, hold at the outer marker. Stack them, pack them and rack them.