Rudy or McCain as a nominee guarantees a Hillary win in '08 no matter how hard you work.
"Newt would be my first choice, but if he doesn't run, I'll work as hard as I can for Rudy."
"Rudy or McCain as a nominee guarantees a Hillary win in '08 no matter how hard you work."
err, only if enough Republicans commit suicide by staying home.
Let me guess...your a Duncan Hunter fan right?
Good luck with that...he doubled his support among Rep. voters from 1% to 2% over the last month. Undecided quadrupled in the same time
Nephi, I don't know what country you're living in, cause you couldn't be more wrong.
No, you are wrong!
That's absurd, my friend. Rudy brings in so many more moderate and swing voters than any other GOP candidate it's ridiculous.
Disagree with him, and promote a better alternative, sure... but the "he can't win" argument isn't gonna work.
Rudy would rip The Beast apart. She's too stupid to think on her feet. Rudy is a lawyer. The Beast isn't. She just lies and screams. Zero substance.