To: Borges
I heard from people who know people who know people that work in the industry that Cruise's homosexuality is one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood. WOW! I didn't know he was gay!?!?!?.............
52 posted on
01/23/2007 9:55:28 AM PST by
Red Badger
(Rachel Carson is responsible for more deaths than Adolf Hitler...............)
To: Red Badger
Sarcasm? :-) but seriously I had a tough time convincing a female friend of mine. (He can't be gay...he just can't!)
59 posted on
01/23/2007 9:56:44 AM PST by
To: Red Badger
Gay as an Easter bonnet. Queer as a three-dollar bill.
That, and mad as a hatter.
65 posted on
01/23/2007 9:57:58 AM PST by
(Western Civilisation is aborting, buggering, and contracepting itself out of existence.)
To: Red Badger
Yeah ole Tom is Queen
I hear that real reason why Nicole Kidman marry him is because of boost of the career she felt sorry for him ROFL
74 posted on
01/23/2007 10:00:45 AM PST by
("Step aside Jefe"=Det Lennie Briscoe)
To: Red Badger
Hollywood is a funny place. The liberal bastion that it is; so many gay actors have to stay in the closet because they know it will affect the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ if they make their debut out of it. And I don't hear Hollywood championing gay actors.
100 posted on
01/23/2007 10:17:41 AM PST by
brooklyn dave
(I face Mecca 5 times a day and all I see is some guy's tuchas.)
To: Red Badger
WOW! I didn't know he was gay!?!?!?............. It's one of those obscure things you might not have ever heard about, like the fact that John Kerry was in Vietnam.
236 posted on
01/24/2007 7:57:44 AM PST by
(It's hard to be religious when certain people don't get struck by lightning.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson