Just FYI for people who hadn't previously considered Anglican Churches -- they are a good alternative to the Episcopal Church and are typically quite conservative.
Not nearly as conservative as they once were. If I were you,and considering a move to the Anglican (in which I was originally baptised), I would take a good, close look at the doctrine and the expression thereof. The Anglican church in Canada supports homosexual members, as does the Lutheran, although I don't think it goes so far as to allow gay ministers, or homosexually-married minister, but I could be wrong. This is not a case of 'love the sinner, hate the sin.' I DO know that the Lutheran, in Canada, preaches total tolerance of homosexuality and considers the abhorence of sodomy in the Bible to be 'old fashioned' and no longer relevant... 'pick and choose' Christianity.
I'm a former Episcopalian and have considered trying to find a conservative Anglican church or maybe a conservative Lutheran one. Where are the resources on the net? I haven't been able to find one here in Oregon (maybe because the state is too liberal?)
Try the Orthodox Church. We haven't changed in 2000 years :)
One of those alternatives is to come to the Roman Catholic Church. You are certainly welcome.
I thought the Anglican & Episcopal church's are the same.
How are they different.