I was aware of the story, just waiting for the evidence to come out. but have not followed the details that closely. I am glad that there was no rape. Is there a good time line you would recommend?
Mark - consensus - you stupid lazy idiot;) Don't expect anyone here to supply facts in response to legitimate questions. These people are professional posters. They don't have time (probably Freeping at the office on the boss' dime)to look stuff up for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do it yourself.
Just as clarification, the reason the team hired strippers in the first place was that a right of passage for the rookies each spring was to take them to a striptease bar. As some of the boys were too young and didn't have IDs, the decision was made to recreate the scene at the house on Buchanan.
I am not defending that decision, just providing history that some here don't seem to know. (If you haven't followed this case from the beginning, there is a lot to know.)