To me, true libertarianism is just one step above anarchy -- it is morelike 'loosely controlled anarchy' in my opinion.
Maybe. This is a tough one. In a matter of fact, this whole idea of Democracy, idiots left and right, deciding our fate needs a closer examination.
Maybe a benign Monarchy is the best political system. We'll let King Michael Bloomberg XV decree what is in our best interests.
He has the most money. He makes the rules.
Democracy, small 'd' is a nice idea, but it leads to majority rule and the consequences thereof - that's why we're technically a consitutional republic with laws. Libertarianism takes the 'majority' out of the picture by keeping the government, the people, from interfering with you - good or bad. Libertarianism in its extreme might not be a good thing (e.g., freedom to use any drugs, live your own 'lifestyle' (whatever that might be). And their only caveat is that what 'they' do shouldn't affect the rights of others. I believe that they can't help but affect others in some way with some behaviors and some can be a detriment to society if left to their own devices. That's why I'll never support an LP candidate - never.