"They have become so fat with public money over the years they have abandoned finance philosophies that govern private companies."
Take a look around at the government agencies - IIRC, NASA is the only one asked to adhere to financial philosophies akin to private companies. Hence, they get hammered for ANY financial blunder, since they are the test case and are in the spotlight.
"Richard Branson (Virgin Air) launched two successive missions to space within 10 days of each."
Technically, he bought into a launch system as a majority investor, he did not develop the system.
The missions two days apart were suborbital and carried no useful payload. That is an easier launch regime than shuttle, CEV, or any of our other unmanned launches to Earth orbit and beyond. The mechanics and complexities increase dramatically to hit orbit, and then do so again when you try to carry cargo. Am I saying that SS1 is worthless? No way, it was a milestone, and I cheered as much as anybody when they crossed that milestone. I am saying it is not a good example of how private space is oh so much more efficient.
"It's time to let REAL private companies lead the way to space and planetary exploration and let unaccountable slushes like NASA go the way of the dinosaur."
NASA is a very lean organization as government entities go. Get rid of something like the unrestrained welfare system, then you might be on to something.
BTW, what do you think happens to the NASA budget if NASA goes away? Do you think you get it back??
I have had a project or two where we actually built something for NASA (one of them is on the ISS right now). I would, under no circumstances of the wildest stretch, agree with your statement....