What the "News Media" has been doing more and more the last decade is openly distorting, misleading and at time knowingly lying to present their own personal opinions on the issue as news. For example, the Xing out of Cheney's face by CNN during a speech, using only 6 words out of a 3 sentence explanation by a National Guard General during Hurricane Katerina, dropping all context and publishing only one sentence in the initial reporting on the Iraq NIE etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
The "News" media is acting as a propaganda front NOT as an honest broker of information. It selectively picks and chooses which sentence to report. At time it selectively edits things to present a wholly fraudulent image of what was said. There are hundreds of examples of out right fraudulent news reports during the last 6 years. The point is the Media hypes it "Fair and objective" reputation when it is neither fair nor objective nor even particularly honest. The point of the story is to destroy this mindless faith some people have that what the Junk Media is telling them is "Truth". It isn't.
All Modern Journalism is is marketing. It has next to nothing at all with the open, honest communication of ideas. Now days "Journalists" are nothing more then PR flacks. They do not communicate in an objective, open, honest way. They merely market their own emotion based agenda.
We here on Fr and many other sites are a large part of the New Media. In addition there are a few newspapers that can be classified in that category. They would include the Washington Times, possibly N.Y. Post and a few others.
Much of talk radio falls into the New Media classification,and occasionally a t.v net such as FNC although the jury is still out on them.
THe Old Media is primarily dominated by old line newspapers such as WAPOst,NYT,Atlanta urinal and many others in addition to many or most of the letter nets such as CNN C-Spam,ABC,NBC,CBS and many others.
Five years ago we were all but ignored and there was little if any down side.
Today those who ignore us do so at their own peril and the day may become when the New Media becomes the Old Media at the rate they are shrinking in viewers and readership.