Ever since 1620, people have been coming here to America to escape from the idiocy that was prevalent of their times. You are now an American. Whatever country you came from, be it Germany or Bangaladesh, is in the past. We look to the future and see it brighter. They look to the past and see their future.............
Exactly. I would never refer to myself as a "German American." Just American. Immigrant. Legal. With strong feelings about border control.
"They look to the past and see their future............."
I believe it is even worse, given "Old Europe's" (thanx Rummy for that one) post-modern atheism and resulting very low birth rates. Have you heard of Mark Steyn? He argues persuavively, IMO, that Europe is headed toward an Islamic dominated society because of demographic trends. I attach an op-ed he wrote in the WSJ in January '06.
I think what happend to Europe (and many other countries) is that the best and brightest came here. Bascially they had a brain drain..