Dessert Storm was indeed a rout. But it was not a WAR won by the total defeat of the enemy with an unconditional surrender.
Dessert Storm ended with a CEASE FIRE, not an unconditional surrender..
The devil is in the details -- and FACTS...
Semper Fi
Sort of like WW-I. Such an endding is actually more common in modern times than unconditionaly surrender. Name another war besides WW-II, less than a couple of centuries past, that ended in unconditional surrender. I can think of a couple/three.
Did everyone miss the '03 invasion? The one where we ended up fishing the President of Iraq out of a little hole in the dirt? I don't know how a war could be won in a more convincing fashion. We are still there just as we are still in Japan and Germany but what we are doing is not war. Despite what the media tells us, the war is over and by the way, we won.