In talking to a lot of conseratives, they were furious with the video of Rush imiatating MJF. It was the icing on the DEMS cake, if you ask me and I think Rush jumped the shark on that one.
What you may not know is that the media SPEEDED UP the video of Rush to exaggerate his actions, and to make it look like Rush was "mocking" Fox, when he wasn't. They accompanied that clip with sound bites taken totally out of context. Rush is very animated when he talks. He wasn't mocking Fox, he was just in the middle of describing what he saw when he watched the ad for the first time, and he was saying that he had never seen Fox that way before, and he didn't know what to make of it. Of course, the media sliced out the comments they wanted and ran with it. His enemies are also 24x7 members, y'know.