From: Shahda, Joseph
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 10:26 PM
To: ''
Subject: Questions about Iraq (Saddam regime) Nuclear Activities/programs
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Joseph Shahda from Abington Massachusetts, USA. I have been translating some of the Iraqi documents (Saddam Hussein regime) captured after the Operation Iraqi Freedom and that are posted on the US Foreign Military Intelligence Service (FMSO) website ( Some of the documents I have reviewed so far are related to potential nuclear program activities. I would like some clarifications if possible to help me more understand these documents.
(1) Was Iraq allowed to re-build its Radioactive Waste Treatment System (RWTS)?
(2) Was Iraq allowed to re-build its Radiochemistry Laboratories?
(3) Was Iraq allowed to fix and re-use furnaces or ovens from ex-nuclear facilities?
I greatly appreciate if you can reply to my questions above. Thank you very much for all your help.
Joseph Shahda
Abington, Massachusetts
Thank you so much for all of your translations...I hope you get an deserve one!
I don't have any connections with any big-wigs, but I did send your "Response to the NYT Article..." to Rush, Hannity, and a whole slew of folks I figure would give it airtime.
God love you, jveritas. I can't thank you enough for all you do. IMO, you are one of our "troops".
I believe it's quite possible your contact prompted them to get off their rear ends and I don't find it at all odd that they didn't reply.
They couldn't possibly be wrong about anything (in their opinion) and replying to anyone who points out the opposite is not going to happen.
You are incredible.
I know Iraq was involved in forming RDX/HMX explosive for a nuclear primer.