Agree. The man is a loser and he knows he's a loser. Migod if he ever became President, he would actually be responsible, have to accomplish things etc.
That slacking, empty suit management style was ok when Bubba was in the WH, but these are serious times and Kerry knows very well he couldn't handle it. More than thirty years in Congress and he accomplished nothing - there's just no there, there.
So he acts out these death wishes - remember the "space" suit - to avoid being put into a situation that would literally swamp him.
And if that sounds like sympathy, hardly, the man would get us all killed.
Agree. During their long tenure most senators manage to be associated with some "signature" legislation or other major legislative accomplishments. This becomes their legacy. Not so with loser Kerry. He stands for nothing and has accomplished nothing. The man is truely an empty suit, and deep down he knows it.