Well, as I said, I'm a social liberal, political conservative.
I'm 'live and let live' until it directly affects another person. If you can show me something directly affects another, I flip from liberal to conservative. For exampl, I can see the arguement for making abortions illegal. I believe it's a human being from first conception.
But I'm not Christian. I'm pro-gay marriage. And, I'm pro-legalizing soft drugs like pot. Not everything, not hard drugs. I'd be happy to discuss that in some other thread, some other time.
To me, this is all about politics. I don't really see much purpose in debating social issues like is pot use good or bad. I *do* like to debate if the govt should ban the substance. As a 'personal responsibility' question. That's just me, that's how I roll.
Like my tag line, I'm a 'political' conservative. the 'ant' to a political liberal's 'grasshopper'. 'Conservative', as in conservative estimates. I mean 'careful'.
Flame away!
Like I said before........you're a liberal.
You are just a liberal period. There is nothing politically conservative (or biological) about homosexuality and establishing it into the secular law.
Oh Dominic. I've enjoyed your posts because you've uplifted my itelligence in some forum, science or computers or the like. What you speak is not sane with nornal peoples. I really hate to suggest this but perhaps your meds need to be monitored because you sometimes appear up ;and then down. I'm not an MD, I'm a ChemE but sometimes plumbers get it right.
Myself; I know that it is!
Even eagle FEATHERS get Federal protection!