I was on Gibson's side too until I read that post. He doesn't like Jews or Christians, seems like. He knows the President is a Christian. Mel is nothing to me now and he was a hero of mine.
What a silly thing to say-"he doesn't like Christians". Why because he makes a comment you don't like about President Bush's policies. First off, Mel Gibson is a commited/devoted Christian Catholic. Second off, Mel Gibson holds extremley conservative conservative views on many, many subjects. Anti-abortion, against stem-cell research, against gay marriage, he spoke up for Terri Schiavvo on that whole debate. As a matter of fact, he is probably MORE conservative than most people on this site. Because he is against Bush on a few policies, does not make him anti-Christian, or anti Bush. As far as you jaycee, your comment about Mel is nothing to me now, it brings to mind, Mel's first movie he directed, The Man Without A Face, and a line from it. You should see it. You quoted from it directly, with the line you wrote. It is actually kind of funny. A person is either up or down with you. There is no in between.