What a silly thing to say-"he doesn't like Christians". Why because he makes a comment you don't like about President Bush's policies. First off, Mel Gibson is a commited/devoted Christian Catholic. Second off, Mel Gibson holds extremley conservative conservative views on many, many subjects. Anti-abortion, against stem-cell research, against gay marriage, he spoke up for Terri Schiavvo on that whole debate. As a matter of fact, he is probably MORE conservative than most people on this site. Because he is against Bush on a few policies, does not make him anti-Christian, or anti Bush. As far as you jaycee, your comment about Mel is nothing to me now, it brings to mind, Mel's first movie he directed, The Man Without A Face, and a line from it. You should see it. You quoted from it directly, with the line you wrote. It is actually kind of funny. A person is either up or down with you. There is no in between.
We know he has admitted to abusing alcohol....does anyone know if he has recovered or ifhe is in treatment?
While I am a fan of his work, I'm not sure I'd take much of what he says right now all that seriously based upon the fact that he's discussed his recent alcohol abuse. It sounded like he had a pretty serious drinking problem of late.
You do not have a right to judge me either. I have posted something you don't like........SO?????
By the way, go back and read post #12 and then go to the site they refer to on #12. I didn't post to you anyway....and don't need your advice. I yam what I yam!!!