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To: antiRepublicrat
ID fits comfortably into Wikipedia's definition of a theory. Intelligent design is directly observable and testable, and its effects can be inferred in any case where there is organized matter performing a specific function.

Nobody does. The problem is that when creationists call it a "theory" they mean it in the vernacular . . .

Whether the word is used in the vernacular or the technical sense, it is not the place of evolutionists to make positive statements in science class when their theory, like all theories, is subject to competing theories. It is most certainly not their place to have their theory established by law as the only one allowed to be spoken in public schools. That's what I call having one's panties in a twist, and that is precisely the motivation behind the recent Dover decision.

What are the conditions to falsify ID? What predictions does it make?

In regard to the first question: Chaos, i.e. the disintegration of particle matter into such a form as to make the universe unintelligible and science impossible. As an aside, if you are going to make falsification the ultimate test of whether a theory is scientific, then you will have to discard every axiom science works with, because no axiom can be universally tested, and all are thus non-falsifiable.

In regard to the second question, intelligent design predicts that organized matter will be found, and will demonstrate cause and effect.

One need look no further than a typical post on FR to have an example of intelligent design that is scientifically accessible. One need look no further than a single atom or molecule to have evidence from which to infer intelligent design.

449 posted on 10/16/2006 8:24:13 AM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Fester Chugabrew
Whether the word is used in the vernacular or the technical sense, it is not the place of evolutionists to make positive statements in science class when their theory, like all theories, is subject to competing theories.

The problem is that there are none.

In regard to the first question: Chaos, i.e. the disintegration of particle matter into such a form as to make the universe unintelligible and science impossible.

Nice and vague, because you know it will not happen. Show me something real. All Flying Spaghetti Monsterism needs for falsification is for us to find out that there is no spaghetti sauce in the universe, so it passes the criteria too.

For a real example in the ToE, we just need to find fossils that are far out of place in the dating in order for the ToE to take a huge hit, possibly complete falsification. We find fossils all the time, all it takes is for one to be found out of place.

As an aside, if you are going to make falsification the ultimate test of whether a theory is scientific, then you will have to discard every axiom science works with

As usual, the basic problem with IDers is a lack of understanding of science. Every theory has falsification criteria, due to the accepted tentative nature of every theory.

In regard to the second question, intelligent design predicts that organized matter will be found, and will demonstrate cause and effect.

It's already been found. You need to predict that some specific thing will be found in the future. The ToE did, said certain intermediate fossils must exist. In fact, Darwin said his theory was in jeopardy if they weren't found. Guess what, they were.

and will demonstrate cause and effect.

What cause? What effect? You need to lay down concrete terms for scientists to quit laughing at you.

One need look no further than a single atom or molecule to have evidence from which to infer intelligent design.

I say the Flying Spaghetti Monster did it. I might take you seriously if you could tell me that in your heart you truly accept that it could be the Flying Spaghetti Monster that is responsible for the order of things.

463 posted on 10/16/2006 9:29:26 AM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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