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Keep Darwin's 'lies' out of Polish schools: education official
AFP via Yahoo! News ^ | October 14, 2006

Posted on 10/14/2006 11:16:50 AM PDT by lizol

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To: KarinG1

You have a problem when making pronouncements on science and having scientists and those that study science debating you?

501 posted on 10/16/2006 12:45:15 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: 1000 silverlings

Which man's view of God would you like taught?

502 posted on 10/16/2006 12:56:45 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: stands2reason; Dr. Eckleburg; metmom; Mamzelle; RunningWolf
Which man's view of God would you like taught?

No man's view, but God's view will do nicely. Let's just start with the 10 commandments and leave it at that. It seemed to work before, and if it wasn't broke, why did they "fix" it? If the 10 Commandments are so objectionable to one's religious sensibilities, he can homeschool his kids.

503 posted on 10/16/2006 1:02:09 PM PDT by 1000 silverlings (why is it so difficult to understand)
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To: 1000 silverlings
No man's view, but God's view will do nicely. Let's just start with the 10 commandments and leave it at that.

How have you determined that what you call the "10 commandments" are an accurate representation of God's view?
504 posted on 10/16/2006 1:08:14 PM PDT by Dimensio ( <-- required reading before you use your next apostrophe!)
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To: antiRepublicrat
One, it requires a designer, and unless you go in with the Raelians, that means a supernatural designer.

Is there something inherently religious about designers? I know a good many of them, and they don't appear to be supernatural in any way. Science does not have a means of discerning the difference between natural and supernatural in the first place, so your second assertion is absurd.

Two, the statements of the founders of your movement . . .

You flatter me in suggesting the movement is mine. As I read the documents to which you refer I see no reference either to a Christian God or to any efforts at evangelizing the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your zeal in painting intelligent design as an inherently Christian concept is misguided. Yes, the idea of intelligent design is in accord with Christian teaching, but it is certainly not coterminous with it.

Why do you limit the powers of your god so?

Others have said the same thing and I cannot help but wonder: Isn't it rather bass-ackwards to suggest it is more difficult to create a functioning universe over billions of years as opposed to six literal days?

Unlike you, I have no stake in this other than the advancement of science.

It would be better if your temerity extended to confessing your god openly rather than hiding behind semantics and federal law.

505 posted on 10/16/2006 1:09:19 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Dimensio; Dr. Eckleburg; RunningWolf; Mamzelle; metmom; Alamo-Girl
How have you determined that what you call the "10 commandments" are an accurate representation of God's view?

Well He wrote them.

506 posted on 10/16/2006 1:11:04 PM PDT by 1000 silverlings (why is it so difficult to understand)
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To: A. Pole
"How come that universities in India or Egypt today are made in pattern of Roman Catholic institutions of medieval Europe?

Are they? So?

If so, this shows not what was claimed - that Christianity is responsible for all of science - but that other religions can adapt western institutional structure to their needs and *while retaining their own religious beliefs* contribute to modern science.

"Should not rather Western universities use Eastern gurus as scientific authorities?

The claim was that the science we use today is a result of the work of people with many belief systems and is in fact independent of the religious beliefs of those involved in it.

I did not say that non-western belief systems are the only or even the best way to go.

Why is it that some people jump to conclusions so readily?

Please, read for comprehension!

507 posted on 10/16/2006 1:12:35 PM PDT by b_sharp (evolution is not, generally speaking, a global optimiser, but a general satisficer -J. Wilkins)
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To: DaveLoneRanger
Sadly, I witness more evolutionists degenerating into petty name-calling than creationists, such as when js1138 called me an a**hole and told me to "shove it,"

Please provide a link to the place where I told you to shove it. I have no memory of this exchange, nor does google. I do have freepmails where you initiated a discussion of my personal faith. I can post them if you like. I responded to your query politely and sincerely. It took a bit of courage to do that, considering we don't agree on much. Your response was to drop the dialog, after assuring me that you were actually interested in an exchange of ideas.

I also don't have any recollection of posting that you are an asshole, although I have called a couple of people assholes. Most recently it was one of your allies whose idea of a good argument is to tell people who disagree with him to kill themselves. Nice guy. Glad he's on your side.

Now I am going to ask you politely to post a link to the place where I told you to "shove it," or have the assertion deleted.

508 posted on 10/16/2006 1:17:18 PM PDT by js1138 (The absolute seriousness of someone who is terminally deluded.)
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To: A. Pole
" We do have a lot of data suggesting that evolution took place. But we do not have a real theory of evolution/ToE yet. Neither of the two XIX centuries theories (Darwin or Lamarck) cut the mustard. Nor the Jurassic Park movie is enough.

Where the heck did you get that idea?

"We need a new synthesis with the date, name of the author and defined claims. Science is not that different in this aspect from patent law.

It is very different.

What makes you think any theory should be date stamped and labeled?

509 posted on 10/16/2006 1:27:19 PM PDT by b_sharp (evolution is not, generally speaking, a global optimiser, but a general satisficer -J. Wilkins)
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To: Stultis
[In re: Dr. Pepper mixed with Fruit Punch Gatorade]

What? 23 flavors aren't enough? Some people are never satisfied.

The ideal mix is about 70 (DP) / 30 (GA) with lots of ice.

510 posted on 10/16/2006 1:30:19 PM PDT by VadeRetro (A systematic investigation of nature does not negotiate with crackpots.)
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To: VadeRetro
But if you want to make it palatable, add some WD-40.
511 posted on 10/16/2006 1:33:49 PM PDT by Gumlegs
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To: Gumlegs
When surrounded by Philistines, never regret having the jawbone of an ass.
512 posted on 10/16/2006 1:37:19 PM PDT by VadeRetro (A systematic investigation of nature does not negotiate with crackpots.)
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To: Fester Chugabrew
Is there something inherently religious about designers? I know a good many of them, and they don't appear to be supernatural in any way.

What, you think Joe Schmoe down the street designed all life as we know it?

Science does not have a means of discerning the difference between natural and supernatural in the first place

Supernatural is outside the realm of the natural sciences, otherwise it would (if you just look at the word) be natural.

As I read the documents to which you refer I see no reference either to a Christian God or to any efforts at evangelizing the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I linked to the Wedge Document earlier. Notice in it that actual science is a small part. They run apologetics seminars for the believers to try to create a grass-roots movement. They've succeeded with that, and with it they have begun their end-run around science, using elected officials to enforce what they've failed to do scientifically.

Expanding on what I said before, the chief architect of that document, and the founder of the ID movement, Phillip Johnson, said in his book Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds,

Darwinian theory isn't true. ... where might you get the truth? ... I start with John 1:1. In the beginning was the word. In the beginning was intelligence, purpose, and wisdom. The Bible had that right. And the materialist scientists are deluding themselves."
Yeah, ID has nothing to do with religion.

Your zeal in painting intelligent design as an inherently Christian concept is misguided.

From the document, the audience is "our natural constituency, namely, Christians." Sure, other religions have various beliefs and philosophies that may include their deity guiding life to the forms it is in now, but they haven't labeled it ID and tried to push it as science.

513 posted on 10/16/2006 1:37:36 PM PDT by antiRepublicrat
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To: nmh

Why do you have to be rude?

It's rather hypocritical to complain about nastiness and then call people "morons."

How's that plank feel in your eye?

514 posted on 10/16/2006 1:42:33 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: Dimensio
This still does not explain why particle matter disintegrating into chaos would falsify what you call "intelligent design".

Sure it does. To falsify something is to present a condition opposite or contrary to what is predicted or expected. Intelligent design predicts order. The absence of intelligent design, therefore, predicts chaos.

515 posted on 10/16/2006 1:44:51 PM PDT by Fester Chugabrew
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To: Revolting cat!

You have anything to add besides lame attacks?

516 posted on 10/16/2006 1:47:12 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: stultorum

I'm no enemy of Christianity.

I'm an enemy of bad science.

And you want science to prove God exists. Why?

I don't need science to make itself bigger than God. Science has its place.

517 posted on 10/16/2006 1:50:30 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: stultorum

What "evidence all around you" disproves evolution and proves special creation?

518 posted on 10/16/2006 1:51:31 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: Sir Francis Dashwood
The evolutionists are only here to throw sh*t on the Christians... that is their sole purpose...

That's a lie.

519 posted on 10/16/2006 1:52:32 PM PDT by stands2reason (The map is not the territory - A. Korzybski)
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To: b_sharp; ninenot; sittnick; steve50; Hegemony Cricket; Willie Green; Wolfie; ex-snook; FITZ; ...
""How come that universities in India [...] today are made in pattern of Roman Catholic institutions of medieval Europe?"

Are they? So?

The claim was that the science we use today is a result of the work of people with many belief systems and is in fact independent of the religious beliefs of those involved in it.

Out of the two religious belief systems, which one is more compatible with science? The one that the world is created by God as real and material, having beginning and the end and ruled by the consistent intelligible laws, or the second that the visible world is an illusion or a dream distracting from the ultimate reality?

" Whitehead pointed out, it is no coincidence that science sprang, not from Ionian metaphysics, not from the Brahmin-Buddhist-Taoist East, not from the Egyptian-Mayan astrological South, but from the heart of the Christian West, that although Galileo fell out with the Church, he would hardly have taken so much trouble studying Jupiter and dropping objects from towers if the reality and value and order of things had not first been conferred by [a] belief [...] (Walker Percy, Lost in the Cosmos)

(The Origin of Science)

520 posted on 10/16/2006 1:58:22 PM PDT by A. Pole (Since science has religious roots, teaching it violates separation of church and state!)
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