To: PhiKapMom
I wondered why this "kid" retained a fancy lawyer. Sounds like a smarmy liberal politico in training.
781 posted on
10/05/2006 12:34:14 PM PDT by
(Dancing through life like a street mime with tourettes syndrome.)
To: Tijeras_Slim
I wondered why this "kid" retained a fancy lawyer. Sounds like a smarmy liberal politico in training.A Joe Wilson with training wheels.
827 posted on
10/05/2006 12:37:25 PM PDT by
(Karl Rove you magnificent bastard!)
To: Tijeras_Slim
I wondered why this "kid" retained a fancy lawyer Probably because he's afraid ABC will sue him for fraud for fake and inaccurate IMs
862 posted on
10/05/2006 12:40:12 PM PDT by
(Politicians Are Like Diapers - Both Need To Be Changed Often And For The Same Reason)
To: Tijeras_Slim
This kid was so arrogant I thought he was in his late 20's. Finding out he was 21 was a shock!
941 posted on
10/05/2006 12:46:44 PM PDT by
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